Bon Repois orphanage and school in Port au Prince Haiti
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Prepare as an individual and a team in every capacity for ministry, as you will be subject to the culture and spiritual atmosphere of the country. Work on getting ready in the following areas months in advance:

A. Physically:
1. In shape and ready to do a lot of walking and/or manual labor.
2. Prepare for primitive living if need be

B. Spiritually:
1. Ready for warfare- get prayed up and stirred up.
2. Consistent in prayer and sensitive to the Lord’s direction.
3. Be sincere with the people and caring. They will detect any insincerity, uncertainty, or phony attitudes.

C. Lifestyle:
1. Be consistent and faithful in home, church, school, work, and social life as a Christ-like example.
2. Be polite and grateful in all circumstances.
3. Be in accountability with another person or group.

D. Ministry:
1. Prepare yourself for ministry in worship, Bible teaching, preaching, mimes, puppets etc.
2. Be ready to serve in whatever way you can.
3. Be ready to share your testimony and evangelize in an easy to understand way.

E. Language:
1. Learn some certain phrases in Creole to help you get by.
2. For most ministry, there will be a translator.

Letter for the leader

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