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Honduras  compliments of  Wikipedia

Honduras borders the Caribbean Sea on the north coast and the Pacific Ocean on the south through the Gulf of Fonseca. The climate varies from tropical in the lowlands to temperate in the mountains. The central and southern regions are relatively hotter and less humid than the northern coast.

The Coat of arms of Honduras features the text "Republic of Honduras free sovereign and independent", topped with a cornucopia, a quiver of arrows, flanked by deciduous trees and limestone cliffs, with a Masonic eye at the center.

This national flag of Honduras was adopted on January 9, 1866, based on the flag of the Federal Republic of Central America.

The flag consists of three horizontal bands of equal width. The two outer blue bands represent the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The inner white band represents the land between the ocean and the sea and the peace and prosperity of its people.

The five blue five-pointed stars arranged in an X pattern centered in the white band represent the five nations of the former Federal Republic of Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala) and the hope that the nations may form a union again.

The Honduran territory consists mainly of mountains (~81%), but there are narrow plains along the coasts, a large undeveloped lowland jungle La Mosquitia region in the northeast, and the heavily populated lowland San Pedro Sula valley in the northwest. In La Mosquitia lies the UNESCO-world heritage site Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, with the Coco River which divides the country from Nicaragua.

Natural resources include timber, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron ore, antimony, coal, fish, shrimp, and hydropower.

Compliments of Wikipedia

Imagine me... Healthy Educated Loved Protected



In many of the homes of rural Honduras, there are no pipes, no valves, and no taps. The children who drink this water get very sick. They suffer diarrhea and dysentery and some die.

•50,000 children die from water borne diseases every year.

•80% of illnesses detected in Honduras originate in contaminated water supplies

•78% of the rural population in Honduras depend on contaminated surface water.

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On Child Awareness Day the students in Barbados and we believe eventually around the Caribbean will be encouraged to bring a bottle of cold water to school instead of purchasing a bottle of soda. This will be a sign of solidarity with the children around the world that often times do not even have water to drink!

The US $1 saved will be collected and donated to the UCT's Child Sponsorship Program established within the country being featured that month.

UCT is committed to purchasing a Biosand water filter for every family within our Child Sponsorship Program in Honduras. UCT Founder, Jenny Tryhane will, God willing, be traveling to Honduras to look at the feasibility of extending this project into Honduras.

Biosand Water Filters

How it Works:

Contaminated water is poured into the top of the filter, and virtually all of the bad organisms or pathogens are removed in the top two inches of the filter. The layers of sand remove suspended solids and most micro-organisms.

The Result: Clean, fresh water flows out of the filter using only gravity.

The Benefits: Childhood diseases due to contaminated drinking water are ended.

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What can you do to help?

Helping Hands Ministries Honduras Adopt a school program United Caribbean Trust believe education is a way out of poverty. Partnering with Helping Hands Ministries International we seek to extend the child educational sponsorship program into this area of Honduras.

The Adopt a School program has been designed to create, establish and encourage linkages between the schools within Honduras with other youth organizations, schools and International Churches. UCT believes God will establish these programs throughout the Caribbean and the Americas.

Helping Hands Ministries Honduras Adopt a school program
Helping Hands Ministries Honduras Adopt a school program

The project enables various Character Building and Evangelical Educational Programs as well as Early Childhood Music Programs to be introduced into schools.

Seen here the children in Helping Hands Ministry children's program in Honduras being fed.

Helping Hands Ministries Honduras Adopt a school program
Helping Hands Ministries Honduras Adopt a school program

United Caribbean Trust has established a Caribbean equivalent to Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child, we have called our project 'Make Jesus Smile'

We have extended the project into numerous schools within Barbados and it seems destined to become an end of term activity. Enabling the children of Barbados to send a shoe box of love and hope into desperately poor situations, such as Haiti, the Carib Territory of Dominica, Brazil, Suriname and God willing Honduras.

Make Jesus Smile project  launched in Barbadian schools

United Caribbean Trust has partnered with Helping Hands Ministries in Honduras.

Helping the hopeless find hope in Jesus Christ

Helping Hands Ministry International is an evangelical Christian ministry devoted to help Christian churches in Honduras reach out to the poor; especially the poor children who are the most vulnerable. We work with native pastors, helping them reach their people for Jesus. We also host short-term mission teams who come to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Honduras as the Lord leads them.

They are a ministry of compassion to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people through...

Evangelism, Food, Clothes, Shoes, Pure Water, Health Care, Bible Conferences, National Pastor’s Training, Building Soul-Winning Churches, Hosting Ministry Teams from the United States and more.
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