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Sandra Moore Ministries - Prayer requests

If you need prayer - Pastor/Prophetess Sandra Diehl Moore will pray for you!

This is a special page that enables you to send your prayer requests to Pastor Sandra Diehi Moore. Your Prayer Request is sent directly to Pastor who will pray for you.

Note: If you want Pastor/Prophetess Sandra Diehl Moore to know who the prayer request is from - be sure to include your name and email address as part of the request. If you need prayer for friends or family, you may wish to mention their names as well so that Sandra can be specific when she prays. If you do not include your name with the prayer request, it will be anonymous.

Remember - your prayer request is strictly confidential and will only be seen by Pastor Sandra Moore herself.

Type your prayer requests in the box below: Remember to include your name so that Sandra can be specific when she prays and email address in case she needs to contact you regarding your request.

After you have typed in your request for prayer, click the "submit" button once to send the request to Sandra. If you want to start over, press the "clear" button to erase and clear the box.

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