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The following is a condensed version of a Prophetic Message delivered by Pastor/Prophetess Sandra Diehl Moore to Prophetic Revival Center on March 14, 2004. If you would like an audio of this message in its entirety please e-mail us at mooreministries@bellsouth.net and we will tell you how you may receive your copy.

God spoke to me and He said, “The only problem that you have is a revelation problem! If you’ve got a problem that means that you don’t have revelation on the problem to solve it.” Then He said, “I want you to tell my people, in order to get to PROGRESS …. YOU’VE GOT TO GO THROUGH PROCESS!”
You’ve got to go through the fire, but the fire is not going to burn you. You’ve got to go through the water, but the water will not overflow you. You’ve got to keep on walking and keep on moving. You are being prepared. YOU ARE IN PROCESS!

On March 12th of this year, I had a dream and the Lord spoke to me and gave me the revelation. In this dream I saw a casket and I saw a man in the casket. All of the sudden, I saw this man begin to move. The next thing, breath came and the wind began to blow and the man began to breathe the breath of life. The man then, began to sit up in the casket and he was right before me and in the background I heard someone say this, “That was truly a miracle from God because He was frozen!” So, I ran to my Webster’s Dictionary to see what frozen meant. “FROZEN” means: hardened into ice; to become motionless; to fix at one stage or level. God began to speak to me through that dream. He said, “I want you to tell my people that they have been frozen and fixed at one stage. They are not coming up. They have not partaken. They have not been obedient to the elementary truths so therefore, they can go no higher.” He said, “I’m getting ready to bring life to them and take them from one level to the next, but they have got to learn that they cannot keep going around the same old mountain. They have got to confront what has stopped them.”

You must learn how to be obedient in the first stage, the elementary stage. We should be much further along, but the reason we aren’t is that we have not obeyed the first instruction. It is the little foxes that spoil the vine. So, if you really want to go up in God you must search your heart and say, “God, what is it that has left me behind? What is it that I need to change? What is it that I need to deal with? What is it that I need to confront? What is it that I need to quit hiding under the rug and I need to expose and deal with once and for all? God said to me, “My people will no longer be frozen in one state, in one stage!” It is time to press… Press means to pursue, to seek eagerly, and to run after.
Samuel was told by God to anoint Saul to be King. Saul was given specific instructions, but he could not obey God all the way. He made up his mind that he wasn’t going to obey God fully. God gave him specific instructions what to do, but Saul would not listen and obey.

I Samuel 15:28……. “So Samuel said to Him, the Lord has torn the Kingdom of Israel from you this day and has given it to a neighbor of yours who is better than you.”
God stopped me there. He said, “I do have another.” If one will not obey there will be another. If one will not listen to strict instructions time after time and you want to rebel and go your own way and be stubborn. God will say, “Okay, I’ve lifted it from you and I’ve put it on someone else.” You’ve got a choice. You can regress and get progressively worse, backslide and go from lukewarm to clammy and cold and then on down to frozen. Or, you can go from lukewarm to getting warmer, getting hotter and getting more on fire for God with a passion for Jesus, a passion for His Word and a passion of His truth. You are going to go somewhere. You will never stay still. You are either moving back or you are moving forward. You are in process. You are being prepared. Not to meet your Pastor or your favorite friend, not to meet your husband or your wife, but you are getting prepared to meet THE KING. You are going to make it! You are going to see His face. You are coming up from glory to glory and from strength to strength. You might be going up the backside of the desert, but God has given you hind’s feet. Have you ever seen a foot of a hind? It has got little edges and little ridges in it so that when you walk up the rocky mountain instead of stumbling and falling the hind’s foot will grab hold and it will stick to that rock and you will go from one dimension to another. You can’t quit or give up now. You are on the brink of the greatest breakthrough in your life. You have got to keep the faith and walk this walk by faith and not by sight. If you don’t obey, if you can’t follow instructions there is someone else waiting in line.

This is the reason that God chose David….ACTS 13:22)…. (Amplified) “And when he had disposed him, he raised up David to be their King of Him he bore witness and said, I have found David, the Son of Jessie, a man after my own heart. For he will do all of my will and carry out my program fully.”
God is stepping in and He is now raising people that will be under sound doctrine and sound leadership that they may fulfill the perfect plan and will of God, do all His will and carry out His program. It is not your program. It is His program.

For every problem, all it takes is for God to open your eyes to see where you’ve been missing it. God is ready when you are ready! He’s already said it and settled it. From the foundation of the earth He had an expected end for you. YOU ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING PREPARED. YOU ARE BEING PURIFIED AND THE PROCESS, THE PREPARATION, THE PURIFICATION IS BRINGING PROGRESS. THE PROGRESS IS BRINGING POWER!

I want you to put your hands over your eyes and say, “God, give me revelation… eyes to see. Let this light lead and guide me into that perfect day. Father, I thank you that even now you are challenging me, you are charging me to come up to a new level. I am going to press, I am going to pursue you and follow after you. I thank you that you are stabilizing me. You are making every crooked way straight and every pathway smooth. You are exalting every valley. You are bringing down every mountain. Lord, I thank you that as hard as it has been, that is how good that it is going to be. Lord I thank You; the best is yet to come. Don’t let me miss out on your will for my life. I know that I have an inheritance. I am being trained to reign. Lord, don’t let me miss it.”

To read other Prophetic Messages from Pastor/Prophetess Sandra Diehl Moore click below



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