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Shoebox distribution

Make Jesus Smile

Children involved in the project

Barbados Make Jesus Smile

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Yolanda Thervil Foundation

Yolanda Thervil Foundation

United Caribbean Trust is pleased to be working in association with the Yolanda Thervil Foundation on the Port au Prince Orphan Child Sponsorship Program.

Seen here the New Year Children's Outreach Party 2009

Click on the pictures to enlarge


Children's Outreach Party At each Children's Outreach Party we had the opportunity to share the wonderful news that God has a special gift for us. Much better than any gift we could ever give them. The gift of GRAS.
Children's Outreach Party Story telling and drama was used to bring the message of Salvation using the Kids EE program
Mama Yol, the founder of the Yolanda Thervil Foundation seen here with Annie the clown who traveled all the way from Barbados to join the team. Special thanks to her for making this a day that the orphans will never forget.
Mama Yol, the founder of the Yolanda Thervil Foundation seen here with Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados

Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team Mama Yol, the founder of the Yolanda Thervil Foundation seen here with Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados
Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team

Thanks to Greta St Hill who has a great love in her heart for Haiti.

Seen here distributing the Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes.

Thanks to Greta St Hill who has a great love in her heart for Haiti.
Thanks to Greta St Hill who has a great love in her heart for Haiti. Thanks to Greta St Hill who has a great love in her heart for Haiti. Thanks to Greta St Hill who has a great love in her heart for Haiti.

Thanks to the women inmates at Dodds Prison in Barbados that beautifully wrapped hundreds of shoeboxes for the project.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Thanks to the women inmates at Dodds Prison in Barbados that beautifully wrapped hundreds of shoeboxes for the project.
Thanks to Greta St Hill and Annie the Clown Thanks to Greta St Hil and Annie the Clown
Thanks to Greta St Hil and Annie the Clown

Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United Caribbean Trust giving out the first shoeboxes only hours after the container had been released.

Praise be to God.

Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United Caribbean Trust giving out the first shoeboxes only hours after the container had been released.
Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United Caribbean Trust giving out the first shoeboxes only hours after the container had been released.
Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United Caribbean Trust giving out the first shoeboxes only hours after the container had been released.
Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United Caribbean Trust giving out the first shoeboxes only hours after the container had been released.
Thanks to the children of Learning Learning Ladder Day Nursery in Barbados who so creatively decorated their boxes.

Thanks to the children of Learning Learning Ladder Day Nursery in Barbados who so creatively decorated their boxes. Well done.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team

All of these orphans are available to be sponsored.

They will all have a web page and information about the child so you can select a child to bless.

We are trusting God to open doors of opportunity to get these children sponsored.

Child Sponsorship Program

Full Sponsorship

US $30 per month will cover the child's education as well as a feeding program. Feeding them physically and Spiritually through the introduction of the Kids EE programme and other God centered After School Club activities.

Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team
Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team

Child Sponsorship Program

Part Sponsorship

You can select US $15 per month to cover Education alone or the Feeding Programme alone.

Remember this is physical and Spiritual feeding

Annie the clown who travelled all the way from Barbados to join the team
Kids Against Hunger

Help is need to establish the Feeding Program

We need enough to feed all the children in the Yolanda Thervil Foundation school and orphanage and all the children in the Upper Room orphanage and My Fathers House orphanage.

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