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CBET - 7 Business Drivers:

1. Generate Business Ideas, Re-Engineer Existing Businesses and prepare Initial Business Plans in each country through the conduct of regular High Impact Growth Strategy Experience events among social partners. The expectation is that this would lead to a continual pipeline of business ideas to diversify global niche market trading.

2. Mobilise Seed Capital to convert these Initial Business Plans into Full Business Plans in order to explore and test the viability and potential of the Idea prior to offering the Full Business Plan to investors.

3. Match Full Business Plans to Business Champions (sourced at home or abroad) who are willing to add value in the region in a pro-active process to augment the deal-flow.

4. Syndicate an optimal mix of Grant and Equity Capital for emerging and evolving enterprises to adequately and appropriately capitalise the business.

5. Mentor the Management team informally or formally, through national Business Innovation Centres, to strengthen the understanding of business systems.

6. Promote the concept of a Business Health Care Service with business health care providers skilled in strategic management, marketing, operations (technical and administrative), information technology, human resource development, finance, corporate structuring and legal issues. This will enhance the chances of business success.

7. Advocate the timely public sector support to provide a user-friendly enabling environment.

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