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Counterparts - Caribbean

Our Mission

Giving people a voice in their own future through smart partnerships offering options and access to tools for sustained social, economic and environmental development.

"Smart Partnerships“ tie shareholders and stakeholders leading to cooperative prosperity. Measured by performance as well as trust, values, ethics and a concern for the holistic environment, it’s tomorrow’s management practice." — Dr. Basil Springer, Chairman, Counterpart Caribbean

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President & CEOIn the first decade of the 21st century, Counterpart is being driven by its history into a growing role on the world stage, a catalytic activist role in partnership with intergovernmental agencies, with international business and with other non-governmental organizations to facilitate a more efficient use of the available resources of the First World to meet the needs of the Third World. We at Counterpart dare to hope that sooner rather than later, the peoples of both worlds will meet in One Just World of equitably shared resources. < Read more >

What happens in one place can have quick effects in many other regions and nations across the seas. But those effects can be uneven. While these changes do offer opportunities, people can only seize them if they can see them, and if they have the tools they need to turn change to their own advantage.

For almost 40 years now, our organization has worked with local people, helping them take responsibility for their own well-being. We have a unique range of experience, overwhelmingly successful. Because our development “technology” of “smart partnership,” is about helping people and communities to help themselves, our methods work equally well on small islands trying to preserve their beaches, reefs and cultures against the encroaching modern world, and in post-industrial cities clustered around closed and rusting factories. We help people make rational choices, to direct change the way they want it, rather than the way outsiders think best.

True to our name, we identify counterparts, communities, companies and governments, across the globe, who can build lasting ties and work together to make things better for all of us. Our partners, all over the world, make us different. We don’t even pretend to know it all — but in each location, we know people who do. < Read more >

"“We are recognized for building bridges across cultures, sectors and communities."


  United Caribbean Trust Make Jesus Smile C. A. TCaribbean Children's Prayer Network Africa Appeal - Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe Help Haiti
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