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St Vincent 2006

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Island Impact Outreach Ministries- 26th - 27th July 2006 (Day 5)

So we entered day three of D. V. B. S. Our sister Katrina shared her powerful life changing testimony of the today Isaac. Giving up that which was precious to her, which she offered up on the altar.

The Lord who protects was then our focus at D. V. B. S. and we where on our way, building friendships shaping lives, and in turn learning in the process.

Wednesday night ministry focused on the fact that God wants to use us.

Wednesday night ministry focused on the fact that God wants to use us. Recognize therefore who you are: a royal priesthood, you are a powerful people. Testimonies were shared and strongholds came down. We were encouraged to understand that Christ has reversed the curse. Again the congregation responded positively.

We then retuning to base focused our attention on what is integrity? As well as the model of integrity. This was thought to be: innocent action- Gen20: 5, clear conscience-Acts24: 16, Heb13: 18, Fear of God Ex18: 21, Blamelessness and uprightness-Job2: 3, Righteousness- Ps7: 8, Freedom from darkness- 2Cor4: 6, Refusal to serve idolsPs24: 3-5, Disassociation with evil doers- Ps26:4, Honorable behavior- 1 Peter2: 12, 2 Cor8: 21, Right relations- Pro11: 3, More acceptable than sacrifice- Proverbs 21: 3, Silence critics1Peter 2:13-17.

Date: Thursday 27th July 2006 (Day 6)

Here came the call to arise with Bro Roger giving his usual wake up call and “ladies devotions in 10 minutes.” Mishael led us in Hallelujah and open the eyes of our heart; and sis Alicia stirred our minds awake with the question; “what does it mean to be justified?” Following this we received our time for our visitations and learnt that due to the arrangement of the Prison, only men would be allowed to go to the male penitentiary.

The D. V. B. S was then into the sports arena. The sports was met with some challenges, mainly the rain, yet this did not dampen the campers spirit as they as well as us partake in the stewed plums, and tamarind syrup. My time flies when your having fun in no time at all it was over and we were making preparations for town.

It was off to town gaining what little supplies we would require… one thing was certain fellowship was inevitable on these trips for that’s all that could be done. Then it was off to base for what we thought was rest and relaxation. Yet then came a call for us to go and strengthen the arm of our brothers and sisters working in the vineyard over at Layou, and we answered the call yes. We arrived at Layou under the Pastor push and urging. Here we came and in the open, with the consistent downpour off and on the challenge to “let go and follow God” came…The remember I am a friend of God was rendered to the people, and an interview to a Trinidadian televisions network onsite was given by the lovely Mrs. Katherine Davis (Tatiana).

The irony of returning home to devotions was met with the songs of Lord prepare me, and take my heart, as we were tired to say the least. Bro. Roger then reminded us that it’s not about us, we are vessels chosen to be used by Him.


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