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Kids'EE - UNIT 8 Grace

Heaven is a free gift

Heaven is a free gift

Heaven is a wonderful place! We get to Heaven and spend eternity with God by trusting in Jesus Christ ALONE for the gift of eternal life

The Three Gift Skit

This skit is used to introduce the Grace Section of the Gospel Presentation.

  1. The first gift is earned
  2. The second is deserved
  3. The third if a free gift... GRACE

Gods, Riches, At, Christ;s, Expense.

<p><font size="2"><strong>Dr. Soul Skit</strong></font></p>

Ephesians 2 :8

Go to Heaven, it's the place;

To get there you're saved by grace.

Faith is what it's all about;

There's no way we work it out.

Learn this verse, it;s not too late

in the Bible, Ephesians 2:8

Take Home Truth.

The children are encouraged to make their box craft as their Take Home Truth.

The Gift Box reminds us that God gives the gift of eternal life to all who trust in Jesus Christ.

They can decorate them however the like, maybe with pictures of Heaven or as in this case with the steps of the Bare Bones. Inside the box the children hide a small note:

The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6 : 23b

Take Home Truth.

Unit 9 Man
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