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Signs of the Times - Session #3- Positive Spiritual Sign Trends in the Church

Session #3 Positive Spiritual Sign Trends in the Church By Mike Bickle

International House of Prayer of Kansas City

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Positive Spiritual Sign Trends in the Church


A. We stand at a critical juncture in world history. The Holy Spirit is visiting His people as the darkness increases. The light is getting brighter as the darkness becomes darker. Thus, God will release the greatest revival in the Church in the midst of the greatest time of escalating darkness.

2Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. (Isa. 60:2)

B. The greatest outpouring of the Spirit in history will be released before Jesus’ return. The Spirit is raising up a glorious Church that will walk in truth, power, purity, and maturity as seen in the New Testament Church ( Rev. 7:9; 12:11; 15:2)

27…He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle. (Eph. 5:27)

17“It shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh… 20before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.” (Acts 2:17-20)

7“For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” (Rev. 19:7)

C. Jesus is building His Church that will totally prevail over the power of darkness (Mt. 16:18).

18“I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
(Mt. 16:18)

D. Premise: Most of the positive and negative trends that will come in fullness at the time of Jesus’ return are occurring now and will continue to increase until He comes.


A. Gospel preached to all nations: Jesus connected the timing of His return to the preaching of the gospel to all nations—there are 12,000 people groups (Mt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9; 14:6). Leading mission leaders predict that the gospel will be preached to everypeople group by 2045. The Bible has been translated into 2,000+ languages (used by 98% of the world’s population). The greatest harvest in history is occurring right now.

14“This gospel…will be preached…to all the nations[ethnos] and then the end will come.” (Mt. 24:14)

9…a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations…standing before the throne and before the Lamb…14“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:9, 14)

6 I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preachto those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. (Rev. 14:6)

B. Salvation of Israel: Messianic (Jewish) congregations in Israel are seeing more Jewish people come to Jesus than at any time since the first century. There are 120+ Messianic congregations in Israel, totaling over 15,000 believers. There were two Messianic congregations in Israel in 1970.

19“Repent therefore and be converted[Jewish people]…20that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you [Jewish people] before, 21whom heaven must receive [retain] until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by…His prophets.” (Acts 3:19-21)

1. Two conflicting trends:

  • Love for Israel in the Church
  • Anti-Semitism in the nations.
Gentile believers will one day provoke Israel to jealousy to know Jesus (Rom. 11:11). This implies love for Israel from the Body of Christ, which is increasing rapidly. The Lord desires the Church to stand with Israel in her trouble, as Corrie Ten Boom’s family supported Jewish people in the Netherlands during World War II.

11…to provoke them [Israel] to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.
(Rom. 11:11)

2. God called the Church to stand with Israel (Isa. 40:1-2). This includes the Church singing with gladness and boldly proclaiming the message of God’s purposes for Israel so that all the nations hear it clearly

7Thus says the Lord: “Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, ‘O Lord save…the remnant of Israel!’”(Jer. 31:7)

C. Unity: Jesus prayed for the Church to walk in oneness leading to global witness of the gospel with a greater release of God’s glory. The Father is determined to have the Church function in unity across cities and nations. We can do so much more together than we can do separately. Different parts of the body are to honor other parts of the body and embrace those with a different calling, focus and style.

22“And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one…23and that the world may know that You have sent Me.”
(Jn. 17:22-23)

D. Prayer and worship movement: Before Jesus returns, the Spirit will raise up the greatest prayer movement in history. There are many indicators of this in the Scriptures

1Sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth…9Worship the Lord…tremble before Him, all the earth…13For He is coming to judge the earth.
(Ps. 96:1-13)

May God establish 24/7 prayer with worship in every tribe and tongue on earth before Jesus returns! This may happen in several places across a city or region (not just in one building), with many ministries working together.

The Spirit is calling the Church to work together to offer intercession flowing from prophetic worship (music) and intimacy with God to fulfill the Great Commission (to win the lost, revive the Church, and impact society). It is prayer for the harvest, with music, and from intimacy with God.

Before Jesus returns, the Spirit will raise up the greatest prayer movement in history. There are many indicators of this in the Scriptures ((Ps. 96:1-3; 10-13; Ps. 122:6; Isa. 19:20-22; 24:14-16; 27: 13; 42:10-15; 51:11; 52:8; 62:6-7; Zeph. 2:1-3; Zech. 12:10; Mt. 21:13a; Rev. 5:8; 8:3-5).

7“Shall God not avenge [bring justice to] His own elect who cry out day and night to Him…?
8When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith [agreement]on the earth?” (Lk.18:7-8)

1. In 1984, the number of 24/7 houses of prayer in the world was fewer than 25. Today there are more 10,000, and most of the growth has occurred in the last 10 years.

E. Isaiah prophesied 24/7 prayer ministries: These would continue until Jesus returns (Isa. 62:6-7). Only one generation will see the fulfillment of God’s promise to “set” intercessors in place worldwide, who cry out until Jerusalem becomes a praise in the earth—which will happen when Jesus returns.

6I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace[be silent, NASB] day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, 7and give Him no rest till He…makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth [at Jesus’ return]. (Isa. 62:6-7)

F. The Lord desires to be worshiped on earth as He is in heaven (Mt. 6:10). In Revelation 4-5, John describes the worship order established after God’s heart. It reveals how He wants to be worshiped. The heavenly order of worship is continual, musical, and God-centered (Rev. 4:8; 5:8-9; 14:2).

G. In Isaiah 42, Isaiah prophesied about a global intercessory worship movement (v. 10-12), which would usher in Jesus’ return (v. 13) and release His end-time judgments (v. 14-15).

10Sing to the LORDa new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you coastlands…11Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar [Saudi Arabia] inhabits. Let the inhabitants of Sela [Jordan] sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains…13The LORDshall go forth [Jesus’return] like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war…He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Isa. 42:10-13)

H. From the ends of the earth: Five challenging areas will engage in the worship movement.

1. Go down to the sea: includes the nearly 12,000 inhabited islands of the earth

2. Coastlands: includes the major population and resource centers on the coastlands

3. Wilderness: includes the small cities in the wilderness and desert regions

4. Villages of Kedar and Sela: Muslim villages in Jordan (Sela) and Saudi Arabia (Kedar)

5. Mountain tops: a difficult place to assemble people for worship and prayer

I. Psalms 96 and 98 prophesy a time when singing will arise to the Lord from all the earth.

1Sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth…9Worship the Lord…tremble before Him, all the earth…13For He is coming to judge the earth.
(Ps. 96:1-13)

1Sing to the Lord a new song…3All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 4Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song…and sing praises. (Ps. 98:1-4)

May God establish 24/7 prayer with worship in every tribe and tongue on earth before Jesus returns! This may happen in several places across a city or region (not just in one building), with many ministries working together.

J. The Spirit is calling the Church to work together to offer intercession flowing from prophetic worship (music) and intimacy with God to fulfill the Great Commission (to win the lost, revive the Church, and impact society). It is prayer for the harvest, with music, and from intimacy with God.

K. Amos’ prophecy linked the timing of the rebuilding of David’s tabernacle to one generation— when Israel would be planted in her land in a way that she would never be pulled up from it (v. 15). The Lord has planted Israel in their land three times—in Joshua’s generation (about 1400 BC), in Zerubbabel’s generation (538 BC), and in May 1948 (the only time they will not be uprooted).

Israel was restored to her land in May 14th 1948—it is the only generation in which this prophecy could be fulfilled. It signaled the beginning of a unique time in history when the spirit of the tabernacle of David would be released—connected to the harvest of the remnant of Edom (Islamic nations).

11“I will raise up the tabernacle of David…12that they may possess the remnant of Edom[Islam] and all the Gentiles[nations]…14I will bring back the captives of My people Israel… 15I will plant them in their land[1948], and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land.” (Amos 9:11-15)

L. Outpouring of the Spirit: The Lord promised to pour out His Spirit on all believers (Acts 2:17-21). The increase of the number of believers with “charismatic” theology and experience has grown from one million (1920) to 60 million (1970) to over 600 million (2010).

The spirit of prophecy will increase in the Church ( Dan. 11:33; Joel 2:28-29; Rev. 18:20).

1. The spirit of prophecy will increase in the Church

17 “It shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…before the…day of the LORD.” (Acts 2:17-20)

2. The Lord will send Elijah and the two witnesses to prophesy before Jesus’ coming.

5 I will send you Elijah the prophet before…day of the LORD. (Mal. 4:5)

3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth." 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
(Rev. 11:3-6)

3. In this revival, the Spirit will release the miracles seen in the book of Acts and the book of Exodus combined and multiplied on a global scale.

“…the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do…”
(Jn. 14:12)

15“As in the days when you came out of...Egypt, I will show them wonders.”
(Mic. 7:15)

4. God’s people will do great miracles or exploits.

32The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits[miracles]. (Dan. 11:32)

There will be a great increase of angelic activity. Michael will “stand up”

1At that time Michael shall stand up…and there shall be a time of trouble…”

His angels will fight Satan, indicating that an increase of angelic activity will occur in the end times.

7And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon…(Rev. 12:7)

M. Supernatural protection: “Pockets of Mercy” “Safe Havens” or the “Goshen Principle” that was seen in the time of the plagues of Egypt.

22 I will set apart the land of Goshen, in which My people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there...23I will make a difference between My people and your people. (Ex. 8:22-23)

7 I also withheld rain from you...I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city. One part was rained upon, and where it did not rain the part withered. (Amos 4:7)

1. There will be pockets of mercy which refer to areas where God’s people are protected from God’s judgment (Rev. 7:2-3; 9:4; cf. Ezek. 9:4-6).

3 Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth…it may be that you will be hidden [protected] in the day of the LORD’S anger [judgments] (Zeph. 2:3)

2. God’s judgments can be minimized or averted in various regions by prayer and obedience. The disaster zone can become place of blessing (revival center).

12 Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting…13so rend your heart…return to the LORD, for He is gracious… and He relents from doing harm. 14Who knows if He will turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind Him? (Joel 2:12-14)

3. God will save those who live near Him and call on His name.

5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night…6nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction…at noonday. 7A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. (Ps. 91:5-7)

N. Reinstatement of the First Commandment: The Spirit will establish the first commandment in first place in the Church. Jesus referred to Moses’ end-time prophecy of God’s people loving God wholeheartedly.

37Jesus said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart…”
(Mt. 22:37)

1When all these things come on you…and you call them to mind among the nations where the Lord drives you, 2and you return to the Lord…5Then the Lord will bring you to the land… 6and will circumcise your heart…to love the Lord God with all your heart…. (Deut. 30:1-6)

O. Many walking in righteousness: This includes “many” believers repenting of compromise to walk in righteousness and purity with great victory

3“…those who turn many to righteousness…10…many shall be purified…”
(Dan. 12:3, 10)

7Let us be glad…for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. (Rev. 19:7-8)

P. Bridal paradigm of the kingdom: Revelation 22:17 prophesies an aspect of how the Church will function—in unity with the Spirit, saying and doing what He is saying and doing as He speaks to believers about their identity as Jesus’ Bride and intercedes through them for Jesus to “come” in power. For the first time the Spirit is universally emphasizing the Church’s identity as Jesus’ Bride.

17The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” (Rev. 22:17)

1. For the first time in history the Spirit will universally emphasize the Church’s identity as Jesus’ Bride. As sons of God, we are in the position to experience God’s throne as heirs of His power (Rev. 3:21; Rom. 8:17). As the Bride, we are positioned to experience God’s heart (emotions or affections). As the Church sees Jesus as a Bridegroom King, they will see themselves as a cherished Bride. As women are the sons of God, so also men are part of the Bride of Christ—both describe a position of privilege before God

2. Jesus is a King with power and a Bridegroom with desire. The Bridegroom message is about Jesus’ emotions for us, His beauty, His commitments to us (to share His heart, home, throne, secrets, and beauty), and our response of wholehearted, obedient love.

21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father and I too will love them and show myself to them.”(John 14: 21)

Q. Reaching the unreached: Jesus called His people to make disciples that impact every sphere of society—family, education, government (politics, law, and military), economy (marketplace, business, science, and technology), arts (entertainment and sports), media, etc. Grace with understanding to walk this out is increasing in a dramatic way in this hour in the body of Christ.

19“Go…and make disciples of all the nations…20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” (Mt. 28:19-20)

R. Turn the hearts of the fathers: Malachi prophesied of the Lord raising up many who would turn their hearts to children (adoption, pro-life movements, sex trafficking, etc.). This will result in the largest orphan outreach in history.

6“And he [Elijah] will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children.” (Mal. 4:6)

S. Increased understanding of God’s end-time plans: The Lord will raise up “people of understanding, ”who will make known to “many” the unique events and trends prophesied in Scripture related to His end-time plans. “Many” will be hungry for answers from God’s Word about His end-time plans. We see tokens of the significant increase of hunger to understand God’s end-time plan in the fact that over 75 million books have been sold in the Left Behind series (Tim LaHaye, first published 1995), and over 30 million copies of The Late Great Planet Earth (Hal Lindsay, first published 1970). The Lord will raise up forerunner messengers who will “understand” what the Bible says He is doing (Isa. 62:10-12; Dan. 11:33; Acts 2:17-18; Rev. 11:3-6; 13:18).

T. Forerunners: Lord will raise up forerunner messengers in the end times who understand what He is doing.

33“And those of the people who understand shall instruct many.” (Dan. 11:33)

20The anger of the LORD will not turn back until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart. In the latter days you will understand it perfectly. (Jer. 23:20)

24The fierce anger of the LORD will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it [think deeply on it]. (Jer. 30:24)




Signs of the Times Series

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Download Session #2 Biblical signs of the times related to Israel

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Download Session #3 Positive signs of the end time

DOWNLOAD Session #3 Bible Verse Hand Book

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Download Session #5 The Big picture

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Download Session #6 The Birth Pains

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Download Session #7 Biblical signs for Gentiles

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Download Session #8 Being strengthened to stand in Victory

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Download Session #9 Biblical signs of Globalization

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Download Session #10 The Fig Tree

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Download Session #11 How then shall we live?

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