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Island tour & damage assessment
Sunday 19th September 2004

Extensive damages, roofless homes, debris and water damaged furniture and furnishings show a picture of the powerful destructive force of Ivan the Terrible. (Each area is being assessed and documented and will be dealt with individually, showing the need and how that is being addressed with your help, every little counts)

The house owned by Mr. Francis was lifted off the foundation, twisted about and flung where is shown Seen here the house owned by Mr. Francis that was lifted off the foundation, twisted about and flung here with the water tank inside the house! Team members look on in shock at the power that could have achieved this.


In Windward, boats have been badly damaged, some have washed up onto the shore. This boat belongs to Walter Oliver of Scottish descendant who later helped this transporting the team to visit Grenada.

Windward, boats have been badly damaged, some have washed up onto the shore
Tree damage Extensive shoreline degradation in windward while run –off channeled by winding roads have cut culvert type channels through private agricultural fields. Banana trees shredded, crops are salt and wind burned and some livestock losses experienced.


Interviews with residents reveal a badly shaken populace, many showing evidence of Post traumatic Stress Disorder.

Some physical and food needs have been determined.

Dr Vijay
Preliminary visit to hospital was at dusk, therefore unable to photo document at this time. Discussion with medical practitioner Dr. Vijay indicates shortages of medical supplies, oxygen and antibiotics.

There are currently 7 cases of Gastroenteritis 3 babies, 4 adults, hospitalized and a significant need for oral dehydration salts and insulin ( needs refrigeration) due to power cuts. Diabetic and hypertensive crises are prevalent as population affected may not be medicating as directed . Have recommended utilization of radio station to encourage population wellness and reassurance.

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