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United Caribbean

Mulberry Patch

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MULBERRY PATCH - Agrofest 2005 Sericulture stand

The Mulberry Patch is currently conducting research and to date has been able to ascertain:

Economic and financial viability that deducts all operating costs from financial profit.



The imputed value of labour involved is approximately $60.00 per day;


The potential for poverty alleviation and empowerment of women;


Potential for promotion of afforestation and thereby erosion control in the Scotland District through mulberry plantation;


Utilisation of fallow land unsuitable for traditional crops for productive purposes;

Highly labour-intensive sector which employs large numbers of labourers at various stages of operation;


  United Caribbean Trust Barbados Agro Fest 2005 Caribbean School Twinning

Does not require high tech scientific skill or expertise but has opportunities at various stages of operation;

Non-Traditional Career Opportunities abound in Insect goods and services


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