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Faith Power PowerClub - Bundibugio, Uganda

Pastor Laura and Teacher Sarah at the

Faith Power Preparatory Nursery is a local Bundibugyo school supported by Faith Power Pentecostal Ministries.

Thisis the first school to get involved the KIMI program following the training in Bundibugyo hosted by Pastor Laura (seen here on the right with Teacher Sarah)

Faith Power PowerClub - Bundibugio

Faith Power PowerClub - Bundibugio

Faith Power PowerClub - Bundibugio

There are two other areas in Uganda that we are focusing on:


Help us to sponsor these PowerClubs.

Your US $30 per month will enable us to:

  1. Feed your sponsored child at the church three times a week, after school.
  2. It will enable him/her to attend the Uganda Hope PowerClub three times a week.
  3. It will supply all necessary materials needed to host the PowerClub
  4. It will enable us to train more teachers in the KIMI program and get this excellent program into the schools of Uganda once a week
  5. It will enable us to print KIMI curriculums and handbooks for local churches and schools including teaching and training more Pastors and Sunday School teachers.
  6. It will allow us to host teacher refresher classes once a quarter to update them on new KIMI curriculums

    First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd

    Super Centre Complex, Warrens

    St. Michael, Barbados

    Account number 1001092544


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