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Teaching Library of Mike Bickle - Authority of the Believer

Exercising Our Dominion in Christ
by Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Free Teaching Library
A. God gave the dominion of the earth to humans forever. Here leases
His power in the earthly realm in response to redeemed humans calling
on Him to do so through intercession and worship. The Spirit moves
in response to what God’s people say and do. He ordained us
to rule the earth for ever through partnership with Jesus as a bride
filled with adoring obedience.
26Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let
them have dominion...overall the earth...28God said to them, “Be
fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion
over...every living thing that moves on the earth.”
(Gen. 1:26-28)
16The heavens are the LORD’s; but the earth He has given
to the children of men.
(Ps. 115:16)
4What is man that You are mindful of him...5For You have made him
a little lower than theangels, and You have crowned him with glory
and honor.6You have made him to have dominion over the works of
Your hands; You have put all things under his feet...
(Ps. 8:4-6)
21Forall things are yours:22whether...the world or life or death,
or things present or things to come—all are yours.23And you
are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.
(1 Cor. 3:21-23)
24Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with
Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given
(Jn. 17:24)
the entire Series:
Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors
in the Africa
Training Bible School.
Each of these YDT Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the youth.
Sessions can be split into two for Junior Youth who may not be
able to absorb the entire teaching in one session.
The Authority of the Believer:
Authority of the Believer exercising dominion in Christ Part 1
Download Authority of the Believer exercising
dominion in Christ Part 2
Authority of the Believer exercising dominion in Christ Part 3