In December 2008
a 40-foot container packed with gifts ranging from toys and
sweets to a cement mixer and electricity generators were sent
to Haiti as a Christmas gift from the children of Barbados.
< Read more >
The distribution of over 2,000
shoeboxes took over 7 weeks and resulted in 17 Children's
Outreach Parties.
Enabling us to bring the Salvation message
through the Kids
EE program.
Praise be to God these children are now photographed
and documented and are preparing to join the
Haiti Child Sponsorship Programme.
Jenny seen here distributing the Make
Jesus Smile shos.ebox gifts to the United
Children's Ministry in Bon Repos. |
Click on each thumbnail below
to visit the Haiti Children Outreach Parties.
United Caribbean Trust has a
deep desire to be an expression of the love of Christ on earth,
bringing hope to children in Haiti and Dominica responding
to meet the holistic needs of the child – physically,
emotionally and spiritually.
Click to
view the children of the Jacmel Nazarene church

Special thanks to the Sunday
Schools that became involved, seen here the little ones from
Abundant Life. |
Thanks to BIDC for donating
the warehouse at Newton Industrial Estate which enabled us
to sort and pack over 2,000 shoeboxes for the children of
Haiti for Christmas 2008.
Praise be to God, to Him be the Glory. |
Thanks to the volunteers, including
University of the West Indies students who came and helped with
the sorting and packing of hundreds of shoeboxes |
The Make Jesus Smile shoebox
distribution to schools and churches continued to the beginning
of February 2009. Praise God 17 children's Outreach Parties
took place and the Salvation message was brought using the
Kids EE programme.
Seen here at the Jacmel
Nazarene Church Party
We want Make Jesus Smile
to be much more than a shoe box ministry, receiving this gift
means so much to the Haitian children.
Seen here Jenny Tryhane, Founder of United
Caribbean Trust with children of People's
Cathedral Primary School last Easter. |

Just knowing that someone, from within the
Caribbean, whom they will probable never meet, cared.
Your efforts will bring joy, hope and a little of God’s
love into a desperately poor situation, remembering the
true meaning of Christmas...GIVING.
Thanks to Charles
F Broom who packed almost 300 boxes this Christmas.
Seen here the Head boy Nicholas
Rose and Paige Wills the Head girl from Wills Primary School
at CBC Morning Barbados, on Universal Children's Day November
20th 2007, sharing with the Barbadian public how good it was
to help the children in Barbados and encouraging them to also
get involved. |
UCT's Make
Jesus Smile shoe box project has been a great success and
it has proven that the children on Barbados and we believe
the Caribbean enjoy actively helping children that are less
privileged than them.
A special thanks to all the 'hands of help' that helped to
sort the boxes and get them ready for shipping, a great big
thanks to DaCosta Manning for donating the warehouse for our
use for the Christmas 2007 project. |
Out of this
has been birthed the idea to introduce the project into the
Community Centres and into the School Summer Camp.
Thanks to the Caribbean Development Bank
After School Care 'All
Stars Club' who did a wonderful job on shoe boxes this
Christmas. |
We are now looking to extend our
Make Jesus Smile shoe box ministry into a Community Based Mitigation
Programme, introducing a similar project called Make
Jesus Smile Baby Boxes -
These boxes will be packed during the school holidays
and stockpiled leading up to the hurricane season.

Whilst at the Community Centre
the children will be taught a simple but efficient Disaster
Mitigation programme
Secondary Schools got involved this Christmas,
seen here Harrison's College
leading the way. |
Taking part is
so easy - by simply filling a shoe box with a range of small
items suitable for a child of your chosen gender and age range,
you can send a ‘box of hope’
to Haiti, Honduras, Dominica and Carriacou this Christmas
and New Year.
Please ensure that you wrap the lid separately
to the bottom and put a rubber band around the finished box.
CLICK to see
what to put in your shoe box
CLICK to learn how
to pack your shoe box
relationship with trusted in-country partners in Dominica and Haiti
ensures that each box is delivered to a needy child.
This will be photo documented and showcased on the
A special
thanks to the schools of Barbados that have got involved in this
pilot project.
Contact us if you want to
get involved in the Christmas project united_caribbean@yahoo.com
First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd
Super Centre Complex, Warrens, St. Michael
Account number 1001092544
He who is kind to the poor lends to
the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done. Proverbs