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'Semper Auxilio'

Semper Auxilio... Always Helping.

by Jenny Tryhane

Web designer and architect of

Co Founder of United Caribbean Trust

On researching my school motto for this site Semper Auxilio I did what I always do. I went on the Internet visited and started surfing the numerous avenues made available to us through this wonderful educational tool, the internet.

I discovered a variety of interesting things I want to share with you.

I was directed to a site about Pelagius, a British theologian active in Rome in the final decade of the fifth century. Once again I pondered is this of any relevant's to me, my old school, Codrington High School, the United Caribbean Trust's School Twinning program? Who know but seeing as how it is lunch time, maybe I could relax for a few moments read and learn. Extend my territory a little that is the beauty of the internet.

Below are some excerpt from a letter written to Demetrias.

' Instead of regarding God's commands as a privilege . . . we cry out at God and say "This is too hard!" This is too difficult! We cannot do it!"

What blind madness!

What blatant presumption!'


I so relate to that... lunch is pushed to one side, I sit up and start to read because I had so trod that path recently when I cried out "This is too hard!" This is too difficult! I cannot do it!" ...

I remember in the early stages of disaster relief in September 2004 thinking "This is too hard!" but somehow finding the strength to carry on, still not understanding the true meaning of trusting in God.

I recalled the "I can't set up a trust." I remember my friends laughing at me, I remember colleagues sneering 'I takes years and hundreds of thousands of pounds to set up a trust' And I sat back and watched a miracle materialise as our trust was set up by Appleby Trust (Bermuda) Ltd within weeks and Mr John Harper flew to London to give us the trust deeds.

I remember the "I can't find transportation with this amount of money" And yet by some miracle we always managed to get money from somewhere and always some kind person would pick me up and drop me off safely, just as I thought I would drop with exhaustion and I thank God for that.

Often I seemed to be asked to do the impossible on what appeared to be a shoestring and sometimes no money at all there are countless stories that those who walked with us in Grenada can confirm. Thus my faith and trust in God strengthened. Now I regard God's commands as a privilege . . . it is madness to consider the command "too hard!" it is blatant presumption to assume "we cannot do it"

To do so would accuse the God of knowledge of a twofold ignorance–

ignorance of God's own creation

ignorance of God's own commands

The question is would a loving God who created us give us tasks to perform which we were unable to carry out? Never!

Do we really believe that a loving God would want to give us tests that we were doomed to fail.. deliberately? Never!

In this day God is often thought of as seeking our punishment rather than our salvation.

No one knows the extent of our strength better than the God who gave us that strength. . . . God has not willed to command anything impossible, for God is righteous;

Therefore human praise lies in being willing and in doing a good work; or rather his praise belongs both to humanity and to the God who has granted the possibility of willing and working, and who by the help of grace assists (gratiae suae adiuvat semper auxilio) exactly this possibility.

The fact that someone has this possibility of willing and doing any good work is due to God alone...semper auxilio

WOW another WOW and its only lunch time!

Just one last click maybe on this key word 'semper auxilio'...third time lucky I wanted a practical demonstration of 'Always helping' that is what I needed to show the students how appropriate their motto is in this day and age and in this word we find ourselves living in. Be careful what you wish for!

Up came the site for the Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard and his 'Blessed Gérard Care Centre'. Please no disrespect but when I am dead and gone please don't anyone call anything 'Blessed Jenny Care Centre!' :-) Now what on earth could this possible have to do with United Caribbean Trust." This is really getting too much' I start to grumble under my breath.

Oh ya, sounds familiar? But now, I smile, and continue the research trusting that I am in the center of God's plan for my life. What a perfect place to be.. As I browsed through this site listening to the lovely soothing music my mouth drops open a little wider with every page I research. Here is an example of 'semper auxilio' at its best

Relief projects

Relief fund

Children's health care

HIV/AIDS hospice

HIV/AIDS education

Community Development Care

Friendship club

Bursary fund

Poor sick fund

Malnutrition clinic

First Aid/Emergency service

Pre-Primary-After School Club and Crèche

WOW Here is a demonstration of true SEMPER AUILLIO

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