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Kim's Art Catalogue - Worship
"The Altar of Sacrifice" In
the Old Testament, the Israelites offered various animals
on the altar as their sacrifices to God. The altar in
the middle of the painting depicts such an altar.
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However, we live in a new era, where we do not have
to sacrifice animals to God, as Jesus became our one-time sacrifice.
We are now under the Blood of Jesus!
The sacrifices we are called to offer to God are
in three areas our time, our talent, our money. These three categories
are depicted in the painting: Time a large clock Money Cash
and coin currency Talent prayer, time in spent in the Bible, worship,
dance, music, preaching and teaching.
Obviously, there are other ministry gifts such
as, cooking, administration, caring for others, and so on
are not shown in this painting, but are equally valuable to God.
Kim's Art Catalogue