3. ACTIVE LA LOUANGE (10 minutes)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
des vidéos de louange et d'adoration en Français
4. ADORATTION PROFONDE (5 minutes) |
a. “Back Track” Review
Do you remember the story of David in the Desert. Who can recall
the story?
Did you remember to check the height of your Moringa? Lets look
at your pictures.
I have a prize for the tallest tree!

b. Française - Étude du verset
“Faites preuve de modération et soyez
vigilants. Votre adversaire, le diable, rôde autour de
vous comme un lion rugissant, qui cherche quelqu’un à
dévorer.” 1 Pierre 5:8
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en ver |

b. Lingala - Étude du verset
8 "Bolekisaka ndelo te na bizaleli na bino mpe botambolaka na ekenge, pamba te monguna na bino, Satana, atambolaka zingazinga na bino lokola nkosi oyo ezali konguluma mpe koluka moto ya kolia." 1 Petelo 5:8
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en ver |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #10 Français
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #10 Lingala |

When we are full of the Holy Spirit, it is
easier to use self-control. Remember you will never be tempted beyond
what God will help you handle. (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Questions for discussion:
• Who does the Bible say is like a lion? (The devil)
• Could you win in a fight against a real lion? (No)
• Who could help you fight a lion and how? (The Holy Spirit
gives us self control)
• Why do you need to be alert? (Because the devil prowls
around looking for someone to devour.)
So how can you beat Satan when he is acting
like a lion? (Ask God to help you - pray)
“Dear God, I am having trouble controlling
my tongue. I say unkind things without thinking. Please help me
to be full of Your Holy Spirit so I think before I speak. In Jesus
name we pray. Amen.”
Lions that stalk their prey need to use self-control.
If lions charged their prey before waiting for the right moment,
they would make a noise and the prey would have time to get away.
Even though they are close enough to attack and they may be very
hungry, they must use self-control and wait until exactly the right
time to pounce To be good hunters they need a combination of self-control
and patience.
Bible Story:
Jesus fights temptation (Read Luke 4:1-13)
Key concepts The Bible says Satan tempted Jesus for forty days.
During this time, Jesus did not eat. Satan tempted Jesus with food,
power and the opportunity to show off His power and to honour Himself
instead of God. When Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus used Bible verses
to tell Satan why He wasn’t going to do what he asked Him
to do. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit, which means God helped
him be self-controlled. It is the same for you and I. If we try
to fight Satan and temptation on our own, it is difficult, and perhaps
impossible. If we ask God to fill us with His Holy Spirit to help
us fight Satan we can be strong and victorious like Jesus.
Questions for discussion
1. Have you ever been really hungry? (Share)
2. How badly did you want to eat? (Share)
3. Can you imagine how hungry Jesus must have been after not eating
for 40 days?
4. Jesus had all the power in the world and Satan tempted him to
show it off, but Jesus didn’t. How did Jesus resist temptation?
(He used the Word of God against Satan)
6. Discuss the ‘No self control’ posters.
When we do not use self-control, we end up
“biting and devouring” each other, and “provoking
and envying” each other. This is not God’s plan for
our lives. He would rather see us encouraging and building one another
up. Give everyone a ‘Self Control Badge’ to pin on their
Encourage your children to bring their lion
pictures and to clasp their hands together tightly and pray. “Heavenly
Father you know that self-control doesn’t come easily to me.
Please forgive me for the times I have said and done things rashly.
Please remind me to consider self-control as “God-control”
– not trying to control myself with human effort, but rather
depending on You to fill me with the Holy Spirit so I can be self-controlled.
Holy Spirit make that supernatural change in me. Give me the fruit
of Your Spirit, especially self-control Amen”.
Soursop contain an impressive list of essential nutrients,
vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals. The fruit has calories
equivalent to that of mangoes. 100 g of fresh fruit pulp provide
about 75 calories. It however, contain no saturated fats or
FRUIT Session #11 |

Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona