3. ACTIVE LA LOUANGE (10 minutes)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
des vidéos de louange et d'adoration en Français
4. ADORATTION PROFONDE (5 minutes) |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #7 Français
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #7 Lingala |
a. “Back
Track” Review
Last week we learnt that kindness starts with caring - being tender hearted and compassionate toward others. Did all of you perform a random act of kindness this week? Let’s add to the paper chain.

Use lasts weeks Bible Flash Card to
review the Memory Bible Verse. Ephesians 4:31-32a
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Passez en revue les cartes flash. (Lingala) |

Facultatif: Téléchargez
Passez en revue les cartes flash. (Français) |
b. Française - Étude du verset Biblique
Split the children into 3 groups.
• Have one group say ‘C’est ainsi que votre lumière doit briller devant tous les hommes,’
• Another group ‘pour qu’ils voient le bien que vous faites'
• Third group ‘et qu'ils en attribuent la gloire à votre Père céleste.’
• All groups shout together ‘Matthieu 5:16'
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers


| b. Lingala - Étude du verset Biblique 16 Yango wana, tika ete pole na bino engenga liboso ya bato, mpo ete bamona misala malamu na bino mpe bakumisa Tata na bino oyo azali kati na Likolo. Matayo 5:16
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #7 Français
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #7 Lingala
One of our problems with goodness is the
same problem we have with love. The word "good" is used
in so many ways, just as we use the word "love." We love
our children, we love bananas, we love a beautiful sunset, but each
of these "loves" are entirely different. It’s the
same with the word "good." We say, "I had a good
meal," or "I met a good friend," or "We had
a good cry." They’re different, aren’t they?
So let’s look at how the word "good"
is used in the Bible. For instance, we read in Genesis that after
each creation, God looked at it & said, "It is good."
God looked at what He had done, He was pleased with it. So maybe
we could say, "Goodness means something that pleases God."
Or maybe we could go a step further &
say, "A good person is a person who is pleasing to God."
The Bible also tells us that "God is good." Now what makes
God good? Well, God is pure, God is holy, God is forgiving, God
is generous. So therefore, if we’re good people, then all
those characteristics would be true of us, too.
We could do the right thing for the wrong
reason. I suppose that we could even do the wrong thing for the
right reason. But "goodness is doing the right thing for the
right reason."
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus talks about
a good tree & a bad tree. He says that the "good tree produces
good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit" [Matthew
7:17). So the question is, "What kind of fruit are
we producing?" And as you look at the fruit, do you see goodness?
Is it there? Well, here are 4 ways to display goodness.
1 We can display God’s goodness by
being forgiving. Matthew 6:14 "If you forgive
men when they sin against you, you heavenly Father will also forgive
you." So the first step is to do the right thing for the right
reason & to become forgiving as God is forgiving.
2 The second step is purity. We can display
goodness by being morally pure. Now the world is constantly telling
us that everybody is doing it so it must be ok! But if you’re
going to be a good person, you are to be a pure person, keeping
your life pure before the Lord.
3 The third characteristic of a good person,
is one who helps the down-trodden. It’s not just about attitude
but action. So the gracious person is one who not only has a heart
of compassion but looks around & sees others who are suffering
& need his help and gets up and helps him.
You performed good acts & no one every
knew that you did them. You may have never heard a "thank you."
But here’s the promise, when you’re gracious & good
to others, one day you will hear the voice of God Himself, "Well
done, good & faithful servant." And that’s all the
recognition we need.
4 Finally, we express goodness through generosity. 1 John 3:1 says,
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us."
It is so much love that we cannot even receive it all. God is a
giving good God. "God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son." And He gives & He gives & He gives some
more. God is good
The Bible tells us that we should let our
light shine. Before our light will shine, we must be plugged in
and turned on. (Switch on a torch light) We must be plugged in to
God’s power supply and we must be turned on for Jesus. When
we invite Jesus into our heart, we have the power. When we come
to Church to worship and praise Him and study His Word, we get turned
on for Jesus. When we are plugged in and turned on, our light will
Jesus is our light, lift him up and let him
shine through you! If you make up your mind to let your light shine
for Jesus, there is no way that Satan can blow it out because the
Bible says, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in
the world." Jesus is your light. Lift him up high because Jesus
said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me."

Papaya is an exotic fruit packed with numerous health benefiting
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FRUIT Session #8 |
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona