2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Divide the class into two teams to play CREATION BANNER game
Roll out two large roll of paper on the classroom table. When teacher says, "GO"! then children will quickly draw as many creation ideas as they can think of in the time allotted for the fun! Children will ENJOY seeing their "creation" when the time is up! .This could be displayed in the classroom or somewhere in the church to HONOR the GOD of CREATION! Give a small price the the best banner.

(10 minutes)
Optional: Download 'The 7 day creation song' Active English Praise Music sheet, lyrics and instramental video |
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Optional: Download 'Father of Creation' Worship Music sheet, lyrics and music video.
Optional: Download 'What a mighty God we serve ' Worship music video. |

Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you that by Your Word the heavens were made. By Your Spirit life begun, by the wisdom of our Lord Your laws were laid. By Your love you sent your Son Jesus Christ and by Your Grace we are saved. By the power of our Lord the victory has been won. Thank you Jesus Amen.
a. Natural Growth Review
This is the first session in the Water Series, last week we introduced the children to the Go and Grow Growth Series as an introduction to the Go and Grow Curriculum.

| "Can you remember the Gardening Bible Memory Verse?" Optional: Download 'John 15: 1' Shona Bible Verse Visual Aid.

Optional: Download 'John 15: 1' Bible Verse Visual Aid.
Use last week's Visual Aid that a child coloured on arrival in the class to assist with reviewing the lesson. |
b. Shona Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Genesisi 1:26a … CHARGE
26Ipapo Mwari akati, “Ngatiitei munhu nomufananidzo wedu,
(Genesisi 1:26a)
Optional: Download Shona Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid colouring page |

b. English Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Genesis 1:26a … CHARGE
GOD said “let US (Father; Son; Holy Spirit ) make man kind in OUR (Father; Son; Holy Spirit) image (resemblance), in our likeness (characteristics /personality)
(Genesis 1:26a)
Optional: Download Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid colouring page |

(Have three signs - Father; Son; Holy Spirit,
to represent the Triune God)
Download Session #1 Shona Trinity Visual Aids
Download Session #1 English Trinity Visual Aids
c. Teach the Lesson - The Creation Story:
DOWNLOAD Session #1 Shona Visual Aids
DOWNLOAD Session #1 English Visual Aids
DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'When God made everything' English PowerPoint to assist with the teaching
DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'When God made everything' English Colouring Pages
www.bibleforchildren.org |
Read Genesisi 1: 1 - 31 (Shona)
Read Genesis 1: 1 - 31 (NKJV)
SKIT: Get three volunteers to stand in a row, holding a rope.
Optional: Download Shona SPIRIT sign Visual Aid. |

SKIT: As the Bible verse is read place a sign SPIRIT around the neck of the first child. Give him a deflated balloon to hold.
Optional: Download English SPIRIT sign Visual Aid. |


“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground...(BODY place sign around neck of the last child)
Optional: Download Shona BODY sign Visual Aid. |

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; (Blow up SPIRIT's balloon)
Optional: Download English BODY sign Visual Aid. |
and man became a living being" (SOUL place sign around the neck of the middle child). (Genesis 2:7)
Optional: Download Sona SOUL sign Visual Aid. |

Optional: Download English SOUL sign Visual Aid.
At this stage the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and had fellowship with man. |

(Take the hand of SPIRIT child and walk, SOUL follows holding onto the rope, and BODY is willing to walk holding the rope as well.) Harmony and unity, fellowship with God in a beautiful garden.
We were created in the image of the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) we are triune creatures we are Spirit, Soul and body.
We were created perfect, because God is perfect
We were created to be in relationship with God because we are Spirit and need relationship with a Spirit God.
CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father God of creation, forgive our moments of ingratitude from appreciating the wonder that is this world, the endless cycle of nature, of life and death and rebirth.
Forgive us for taking without giving, reaping without sowing.
Open our eyes to see, our lips to praise and our hands to share.
May our feet tread lightly on the path we tread and our footsteps be worthy of following, for they lead to you.
Read more at: www.faithandworship.com
Print the Shona Take Home Bible Verse one for each child.
Optional: Download Shona Take Home Memory Verse |

Give each child a folder to hold all their Take Home material for the entire Series.
Optional: Download English Take Home Memory Verse |

| DOWNLOAD English Take Home Activity book |
Creation: And It Was Very Good Children's Sermon | Serm... (sermons4kids.com)
Utilize the 'Bible for Children' material for the children to take home.
DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'When God made everything' Shona Colouring Take Home Track.
NEXT WEEK: We will continue with the ‘Water Series’ leaning about how SIN entered the world. Sin stops us from getting the free gift of eternal life, sin separates us from God and comes with consequences. We will learn how God used water to deal with it! CLICK to view Water Series - Session #2
BioSand Water Filter Teaching:
Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
Visit English Drop of Hope website - Introduction |


Optional: Download English BioSand Filter PowerPoint - Introduction HANDOUT: Optional: Download English BioSand Filtert- Introduction Handout #1
Optional: Download English BioSand Filter Colouring Book |

How Water is Contaminated
Water that contains microbes and other pollutants is contaminated. Human and animal faeces are the main source of water contamination. Water is contaminated when people and animals defecate in an open field or near a water source and when latrines are not properly used and maintained. The faeces get into the water and are spread to everyone who uses that water.
Contaminated water can come through rivers, streams, wells and is carried to our homes in pipelines and buckets.
Download 'How water is contaminated' Shona poster to assist with the teaching. |

In this water sanitation and Hygiene training you will learn how water is contaminated.
Download 'How water is contaminated' poster to assist with the teaching.
Download Weekly English Educational Handouts to be given to the children to take home to thier parents. (To be translated into Shona) |

Water can also be contaminated when:
- Containers for storing water are not cleaned properly
- Water storage tanks are not covered to protect against contamination
- The bucket and rope that are used to pull water out of the well were in contact with something dirty (hands, animals, ground)
Water can look dirty when it is contaminated, but even clear water can contain microbes that cause illness. Not all sources of water are good quality water.
Rainwater is pure when falling from the sky, but may become dirty when landing on the roof. Groundwater can be of good quality, but may be contaminated with chemicals or latrine waste. Surface water is of poor quality because there are many so ways it can become contaminated.
Information sourced from CAWST.org
Optional: Download 'Contaminated water contains Microbes that make us sick' Shona poster to assist with the teaching. |

Optional: Download 'Contaminated water contains Microbes that make us sick' English poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'Contaminated water contains Microbes that make us sick' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. |

Contaminated Water Contains Microbes That Make Us Sick
Key Message: Contaminated water can make us sick.
Possible Questions:
Have you or someone in the family been sick recently?
Do you know why you or your family was sick?
Have you or your family ever become sick from contaminated water?
How much money did you spend the last time someone in your family went to the doctor?
When water is dirty, we know that it is not good to drink. We may think clear water is safe to drink, but that is not always the case. There may be very small living things called microbes, pathogens or micro-organisms (depending on the language and culture) in the water. These microbes can be worms, parasites, and bacteria. Most microbes are so tiny that we cannot see them with our eyes.
If we drink contaminated water, we may become ill with:
Stomach pain
(Talk about any water-related diseases that are common in the area.)
When we get sick, we may have to visit the doctor or even stay in the hospital. If we require medications to cure these illnesses, it can cost a lot of money. Sickness can cause us to miss school or work. Some illnesses are so bad that we may die.
There are a lot of consequences of using contaminated water.
Check for Understanding:
What can you see in the water?
What is something that you can't see in the water, but might still be there?
What happens if you drink water that has microbes in it?
What are the illnesses that we can get when we drink contaminated water?
What are some consequences of being sick? Information sourced from CAWST.org
Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes - Get Good Water' Shona poster to assist with the teaching. |

Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes - Get Good Water' English poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes - Get Good Water' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. |

Stop Microbes - Get Good Water
Key Message: You can have good water if you from protect the water source, treat your water and store your treated water safely.
Possible Questions:
If post is used as an introduction:
What do you see on this page?
How do you think these activities will help make your family healthier?
If poster is used as a review:
How can you get good water?
Drinking good water will help stop the transfer of microbes and prevent you and your family from getting sick.
First, you must Protect Your Source water. Rainwater should be stored in a closed container with a lid to prevent microbes from entering. Wells should be covered, with a channel to divert wastewater away, to prevent microbes getting in. Surface water sources like ponds should be fenced to stop animals. Springs should be protected with a spring or catchment box.
Second, you can Treat Your Water in the home to ensure the water is safe for the family. Water treatment includes three steps: sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. There are many good ways to treat your water. We will talk more about household water treatment in the next posters.
To Protect Your Treated Water use a storage container with a lid. A good storage container has a tap or narrow opening to pour out the water. Do not store your water in open containers. Stored water becomes contaminated with microbes if you use a cup or dipper to get the water out. Teach children to pour out the water when they need to drink or use a storage container with a tap.
Check for Understanding:
If poster is used as an introduction:
What are some ways to get good water?
If poster is used as a review:
How do we protect our source water?
Is it necessary to treat our water before drinking it?
What are some examples of methods to treat the water?
What type of storage containers will keep our treated water safe?
Information sourced from CAWST.org
BioSand Water Filter Teaching: Good Hygiene
Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
Visit Drop of Hope website 'Good Hygiene' |

Optional: Download English 'Good Hygiene' PowerPoint
Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes use good hygiene' Shona poster to assist with the teaching. |

Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes use good hygiene' English poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes use good hygiene' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. |

Stop passing on Microbes - Use Good Hygiene
Key Message: There are things we can do to protect ourselves from microbes.
Possible Questions:
- How can microbes from faeces be transferred to your mouth?
- How can microbes from faeces be transferred to your food?
- What are some good personal habits to stop the transfer of microbes from our fingers to our mouths?
- How can we protect our food and dishes from being contaminated?
- What can we do to keep our homes clean?
Next week we will learn what makes the BSF special. Information sourced from CAWST.org
CLICK to view Water Series - Session #2