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Grow and Go - Water Series - Session #8

This week’s destination: LIVING WATER

MATERIALS: Empty bottles of water enough for each child, long piece of paper, coloured markers. Fill empty water bottles with pebbles, beads for second game.


Welcome, as the children arrive get them to colour the colouring pages and visual aids that will be used during the session.

DOWNLOAD Session #8 Visual Aids

DOWNLOAD Session #8 Teaching

Give each child an empty bottle of water and give them a long piece of paper and markers to write and decorate the bottle with JESUS GIVES US LIVING WATER. Tape their piece of decorated paper onto the bottle to remember today's lesson. They can fill it with fresh water and take it to school to help then share this message with their school friends.

1. WELCOME GAME: (10 minutes)
Living Water Tag:
One child is ‘the catcher’ all the other children will run around the room a. If someone gets tagged they must sit down. In order for them to get back in the game someone must run in a circle around them. The game is over whenever everyone has been tagged or whenever the teacher blows the whistle and stops the game. You may want to play several different rounds so that more children can be ‘the catcher’

2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Fill empty water bottles with pebbles, beads etc to use as musical instruments, empty buckets as drums

Optional: Download 'Deep and wide' Worship Music video and lyrics.

Divide the group into two teams, Lead singer chooses how to sing each line eg softly, shouting, hopping, skipping etc

(Lead team sings) Deep and wide, deep and wide.
(The other team sings )There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.


(Lead team sings) Wide and deep, wide and deep.
(The other team sings ) There’s a fountain flowing wide and deep.


(Lead team sings) Deep and Hmm, Deep and Hmm.
(The other team sings ) There’s a fountain flowing Deep and Hmm


(Lead team sings) Hmm and Hmm, Hmm and Hmm.
(The other team sings ) There’s a fountain flowing Hmm and Hmm



Another team game option:

Living water relay race:
Divide the children into two equal teams, have two equally full buckets of water at one end of the yard or field, give each team one plastic cup or glass and have two empty buckets at the end next to the team. The aim is for a child to run up to the bucket of water, fill up their cup and run back with the full cup and empty it into the empty bucket. Then another chid does the same thing until all the children have run up and filled thier cup with water. At the end of the race the bucket that was filled with the most water that team is the winner. Have drinking water to give the team after all this running around.

(10 minutes)

Optional: Download 'Lets go deep, deep, deep" Active Praise Music video and lyrics

4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)

Optional: Download 'As the deer panteth for the water ' Worship Music video

Optional: Download 'As the deer panteth for the water ' Worship video

Optional: Download Worship Music videos

Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you for sending your Son Jesus that whoever believes in Him will be saved and rivers of living water will flow from within us.


a. Review:

Optional: Download Water into wine activities for the children to play as part of the Review.

Last session we learnt about the first miracle that Jesus performed. The Bible tells us that after they saw Jesus perform this miracle, the disciples believed in him

Optional: Download Review videos

b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… John 7:38… CHARGE

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.

(John 7:38 NIV)

Optional: Download Bible Memory Verse

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well ' Bible Verse Reading Mute video version

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well ' Bible Verse Reading English Audio video version

Adapted from Bible for Children

c. Teach the Lesson
Read John 4: 1-26

Optional: Download Sing 'Let Your Living Water Flow' Worship Music video

The part of the world where Jesus lived was very hot and dry.

One day, as he was traveling through Samaria, Jesus passed through a small village Jacob's well was there and Jesus, hot and tired from the long walk, sat down beside the well about noontime to rest.

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well ' PowerPoint PDF

Compliments from Bible for Children

Soon a Samaritan woman came to the well to fill her water jar. "Please give me a drink," Jesus said to the woman.

The woman was shocked! You see, in those days a Jew wouldn't be caught dead talking to a Samaritan. "Why are you, a Jew, asking me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?"

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well ' Colouring pages

Compliments from Bible for Children

Bible Reading: Optional: Download Bible Verse Visual Aid

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well' Bible Verse Reading Video.

Adapted from Bible for Children

13  Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,

(John 4:13-14 NIV)

14  but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

Optional: Download 'The woman at the well ' animated children's video

The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming to this well to draw water."

Optional: Download 'The woman at the well ' animated children's video

Download Session #8 Visual Aids

Comparing Well water to Fountains of Living Water that Jesus was offering:

*Well water is good to drink when you're thirsty. But a Fountain of Living Water is for our thirsty souls. All of us are thirsty for God's love, His presence, His power.

* Well water is good for soaking hard things to soften them up such as a dry sponge. But a Fountain of Living Water softens up our hard hearts so it will absorb His love.

* Well water is good for putting out fires. But a Fountain of Living Water puts out fires of temptation in our hearts. All of us are tempted by Satan.

* Well water is good for washing. But a Fountain of Living Water washes our hearts that are dirty from sin. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

* Well water is good for growing plants, trees and fruit. But a Fountain of Living Water makes our hearts grow and bloom with good deeds and mature fruit of the Spirit.

* Well water is good for floating and swimming. But a Fountain of Living Water floats our souls all the way up to heaven. All of us want to be in heaven with God one day.

* Well water is still. But a Fountain of Living Water bubbles up within our hearts and overflows into our family, friends, school mates etc.

When Jesus offered living water to the woman at the well, He was offering her a new life, a Christian life. And He offers it to you and me.

Do you want a Fountain of Living Water? I can't give it to you. Mom and Dad can't give it to you. The preachers in church can't give it to you. Only Jesus can give you a Living Water that lasts forever.


What have you been feeding your soul with? Where have you sought refuge from the bad days? Distracting yourself on the internet? Social Media? Drowning at work?

God is showing us that "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again."

That is, if you drink the things of this world, your thirst and your inner emptiness will never pass.

The real food, rest and refreshment for our soul comes from just one place: Jesus!

Encourage the children to come to the alter take time now to appreciate God's presence and drink deeply of the living water.

Allow His spirit to fill you afresh seeping deep into you reaching your very roots to help you grow.

Optional: Download 'Come living water' worship music video with lyrics

Jesus had made a special trip through Samaria so that she would have the opportunity to find the source of life. He waited to find her at the well. All she had to do was drink.

Jesus offered her new life. Jesus offers abundant life. He came to solve the questions of her past. She understood and, leaving the pot of water, she returned to the city and told the people that she had found the source of Living Water, the Messiah.

CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please give us Your living water, although we do not deserve it. Make us fresh fountains of bubbly, living water, so we can share You with everyone. In Jesus name we pray.


Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child.

DOWNLOAD Take Home Bible Verse Visual Aid

Optional: Download Bible for Children 'The woman at the well ' Colouring page take home track

NEXT WEEK: In the WATER Series we have learn that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that is why Jesus who lived a perfect and POWERFUL life must die on the cross.

BioSand Teaching:


Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes, Use good sanitation' poster to assist with the teaching.

Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes, Use good sanitation' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian.

Stop Microbes - Use Good Sanitation

Key Message: Good sanitation habits prevent transmission of microbes.

Possible Questions:

•  Do you have a latrine?

•  If yes, is it a communal or household latrine?

•  What do you use your latrine for?

•  Do you or your community practice any of these activities?


This poster illustrates the different ways to prevent illness by practicing good sanitation.

A well maintained latrine will not attract flies and will stop the spread of human faeces from contaminating our food and water systems.

Wastewater can be disposed of in a soak pit. A soak pit is a hole in the ground filled with gravel where water can soak into the ground safely. Standing water is dangerous because mosquitoes breed in standing water. Mosquitoes spread illnesses like malaria and dengue fever. We can help stop these illnesses by constructing and using soak pits.

Protecting our water sources from animal faeces is very important. If we use a well for our water then it is best to build a fence around it to keep animals out. To prevent pools of water forming around the well, divert the spilled water away from the well, pump or tapstand. The wastewater from the well, pump or tapstand can be used to water a small garden or diverted into a soak pit.

Animals can contaminate the food we grow in gardens if there is no fence to keep them out. Make a fence around the garden to protect fruit and vegetables.

Burying household garbage is a good way to maintain a clean home and compound. We can help stop flies from being attracted to our garbage and lying eggs there.

Check for Understanding:

•  How can we stop the transfer of microbes through sanitation?

•  What are some good sanitation habits?

Information sourced from

Stage D: Wash the Filtration Sand and Gravel

Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.

Optional: Download English BioSand Filter PowerPoint - 'Wash the Filtration Sand and Gravel'


Download Handbook #8 Wash the Filtration Sand and Gravel.

Visit Drop of Hope website - 'Wash the Filtration Sand and Gravel'

CLICK to view Water Series - Session #9



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Grow and Go Nuer children's curriculum
Grow and Go Swahili children's curriculum
Grow and Go Lingala children's curriculum
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Grow and Go Kinyarwanda


Drop of Hope French
Drop of Hope
Drop of Hope Nuer
Drop of Hope Swahili
Drop of Hope Chichewa
Drop of Hope Portuguese
Drop of Hope Yoruba
Drop of Hope Shona
Drop of Hope Efik
Drop of Hope Dutch


French Lingala
French Creole
Sowing Seeds of Success Shona





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