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Kodi Mzimu woyera uli kuti? - Phunziro #4
Women's Empowerment Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club

(To be used to assist the translation into Chichewa)

How can I be
a Fruitful Christian?

Purpose of the Lesson
• To realize that a successful Christian life is possible only when the Holy Spirit is living in us and controlling our lives
• To allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be seen in our lives
• To allow the Holy Spirit to develop and use the spiritual gifts we were given at our conversion


Dear Father in Heaven, You are so gracious to us. We cannot live as You have planned for us without Your help. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to live in us. Help us surrender to His control because we know that is the only way we can live a real Christian life! We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Have several of the group share the verses they chose in their Bible reading.

Weekly Bible Reading

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

Read the Bible verses given below and write out the verse which you consider to be the most important in each reading.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Romans 8:1-8
Romans 8:9-17
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
1 John 4:7-21
Galatians 5:16-26

Guide’s Comments

God has provided for us so that we will have a full and satisfying life. Our life
is to be lived moment by moment under the direction of God’s Holy Spirit. It is characterized by inner peace and joy. 1 Peter 5:14b says, “. . . May peace be with all of you who belong to Christ.”

The moment we are saved, God gives us the gift of the continual presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. He also provides for immediate forgiveness when
we fail. Read 1 John 1:9 . . . . . We do not have to wait to be in a special place at a special time to be forgiven. We can confess our sin to God, be immediately forgiven, and be clean again.

Many Christians are not living up to the full potential that God has made available to them. From God’s point of view, the Christian life is lived under the
control of the Holy Spirit. The result is a life that produces the fruit of the Spirit, which is our topic for this lesson.

In Lesson 3, we learned that the Holy Spirit plays an active role in our Christian growth. He helps us to pray, understand the Bible, and obey what we read. In this lesson, we will learn the positive results of obeying the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

1. The Spirit of God produces wonderful results in our lives as we obey Him.
List the nine qualities that are the natural product of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. Read Galatians 5:22-23 . . . . .

(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control)

These are inner qualities which we all want to possess, but they are not the
natural products of human life. They are produced only by God’s indwelling Spirit. They are the fruit, or the outward expression, of the inner life of believers who are walking in God’s Spirit and not their own sinful desires.

We may think we have several of these qualities in our lives and may desire the rest. However, they are not separate qualities that can be divided. A study of these verses indicates that these qualities are a unit. They are like a bunch of grapes rather than separate pieces of fruit. Also, all of these qualities are to be found in all Christians.

2. The fruit of the Spirit is listed so it naturally falls into three categories.List the fruit in the order given in Galatians 5:22-23.

The Fruit of the Spirit
Attitude .................Action ................Application

(love) .................(patience)................ (faithfulness)
(joy)................(kindness)................. (humility)
(peace).............. (goodness) ...............(self-control)


J. Sidlow Baxter, an English Bible teacher and conference speaker, said the first three fruits are inner attitudes concerning ourselves. The next three concern others. They are actions looking outward. The last three are applications which look upward. They are the first essentials of godliness. These three groups cover all the relationships of life.


It is appropriate that love is listed first—for love is the greatest quality. We are told this in
1 Corinthians 13:13. . . . . To love in all of life’s relationships is the way to obey the commandments of God. Read Matthew 22:34-40. . . . .

3. The Christian life is a life of love. Match the following phrases with the proper Bible references.

a. Colossians 3:19. . . . .
b. Luke 6:27-28. . . . .
c. Titus 2:3-4. . . . .
d. John 13:34-35. . . . .
e. Matthew 22:39. . . . .
f. Ephesians 5:2. . . . .

(d) love one another
(f) be controlled by love
(c) love your husband and children
(a) love your wife
(e) love your neighbor
(b) love your enemies

The Holy Spirit is love. He produces love in God’s children.

Love is not only an attitude, it is an action and also an application. Love is not limited to emotions or feelings. It is an action, motivated by a person’s will, read Romans 12:9-10. . . . .

Love is a sacrifice—it costs. It includes action, giving of one’s self, time, attention, and service. But it is not impossible to love the way this
definition implies, read Romans 5:5. . . . . . . God gives us His love by means of the Holy Spirit. This enables us to really love as He loves.


Joy is more than happiness. Happiness depends on our good fortune. We are happy when things are going our way, but our happiness disappears when the situation chang

As Christians, we have joy in our hearts in spite of circumstances. Our relationship with God is the foundation of our joy. Happiness ceases, but joy is unending. Read Philippians 4:4. . . . .


Peace is a gift from God made possible through the death of Jesus Christ. It involves peace with God, peace with others, and peace with one’s self. This tranquility floods the heart and spirit that are in harmony with God. Read Philippians 4:6-7. . . . .

Now turn to John 14:27. . . . .

4. What circumstances in your life cause you to worry and rob you of the peace God gives? What can you do this week to help you trust God more fully? . . . . .

The next category of fruit causes us to look outward.


Patience is the will to endure and put up with others without complaining. Patience involves endurance and mercy. Read Romans 15:5. . . . .

5. Is there a current situation in your life which calls for you to have patience? . . . . .

Patience is a quality of God we appreciate. God, who has been so patient with us, is willing for His Holy Spirit to give us His patience whenever we ask Him.


Kindness is sometimes translated as gentleness. It means thoughtful consideration, courteous and kindly action. Read Colossians 3:12. . . . .

God is kind to us and He asks us to be kind in all our relationships. Our kindness to others pleases God.

Important: In the following question, they are to share their plans only, not details of the situation or names of those involved.

6. Think of a situation which causes you to be unkind in your thoughts or reactions. Ask God to give you a new way to exhibit the fruit of kindness in that situation. Write what your new response will be. . . . .


Goodness is the total of all God’s attributes, revealing His incomparable righteousness, holiness, and perfect divine character. Read Ephesians 2:10 . . . . .

God is good. As His children, we can conduct ourselves in such a way that God’s goodness is easily seen, as the Holy Spirit is graciously developing Christ’s character in us.
The next category of fruit causes us to look upward.


Faith signifies complete confidence in God. This outstanding quality indicates God’s presence in our Christian lives. Faithfulness displays itself in a person who is trustworthy and reliable. Read Luke 16:10-12 . . . . .

7. In what areas of your life do you need the Holy Spirit to help you be faithful? . . . . .

When we display faithfulness in our living, we show others that we trust God in all things and know the truth that is expressed in 2 Thessalonians 3:3. . . . . What are some characteristics of a person who is faithful?. . . . . (Be sure their answers include the following: committed, reliable, loyal, trustworthy, credible, dependable, genuine, keeps promises.)


Humility is submission to the sovereign will of God. The perfect example of humility is Jesus. Read Philippians 2:3-8 . . . . .

Humility is characterized by the absence of pride and a freedom from arrogance. It is to put to death false humility which is of our own effort.

As the Holy Spirit produces His fruit of humility in us, we learn to forget about ourselves. Humility is to understand that God can work through others to accomplish His will.


When our whole life is under the control of the Holy Spirit, we will display self-control when we are being tempted. We do not have to yield to sinful desires. We can have victory because we possess the inner strength of God’s Spirit to be self-disciplined.
Read Titus 2:11-12 . . . . .

Author Elizabeth George said, “Throughout the Bible, the word fruit refers to what is within. If what is inside a person is good, the fruit of that person’s life will be good. If what is inside is rotten, the fruit of that person’s life will also be bad.”3

As Christians, we continue to walk in the Spirit and become more like Jesus Christ. Jesus continually modeled each of these godly qualities during His earthly ministry. When we display the fruit of the Spirit, we are showing the world that God’s Spirit lives in us. Turn and read Philippians 1:11. . . . .

Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit are different from the fruit of the Spirit. All Christians receive every fruit of the Spirit. However, the gifts of the Spirit are entirely different. Every believer has at least one gift received at conversion, but no believer has every gift (Read 1 Corinthians 12:11).

Also notice this contrast. The fruit of the Spirit enriches the believer’s relationship with God and others. But the gift of the Spirit is to be used in serving God (Read 1 Peter 4:10).

Bible teacher Charles C. Ryrie distinguishes between natural abilities, learned skills, and spiritual gifts.

Natural abilities include health, I.Q., mechanical aptitude and so forth.

Learned skills include things like culinary abilities, carpentry, or other hobbies.

Spiritual gifts are gifts to be used in serving the Lord.4

8. What is the purpose of the gifts of the Spirit? Read 1 Peter 4:10 . . . . (use them for the good of others)

9. List the spiritual gifts mentioned in the following verses.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 . . . . . (wisdom, knowledge, faith, power to heal, power to work miracles, speaking God’s message, ability to discern between true and false gifts, ability to speak in strange languages, the ability to explain what was said)

Read Romans 12:6-8 . . . . . (speaking God’s message, serving, teaching, encouraging others, sharing generously, having authority, being kind)

The Holy Spirit gives us that which
fits the plan God has for our lives.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:11. . . . .

We do not need to be overly concerned about which spiritual gift or gifts we have. Instead, we will automatically be using our gift when we live in harmony with God’s Spirit.

This does not mean that we must wait for God to tell us what our spiritual gift is! As we obey God’s Word each day, we will be using our gift without even knowing it. Many times, we discover what our gift is because the Holy Spirit has made us so effective in that special ministry. We also realize how natural it is and how much we enjoy serving in that way.

10. Write a prayer thanking God for giving you the fruit of the Spirit and a spiritual gift. Ask Him to help you yield to the Holy Spirit, so He can carry out His complete, original plan for your life. . . . .

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us the fruit of the Spirit, so we can
witness to others by the way we live our lives. Thank You for giving each of us a spiritual gift. Help us to follow Your plan by using our gift for Your glory. Help us to yield to Your Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide and control our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.



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