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Kodi Mzimu woyera uli kuti? - Phunziro #5
Women's Empowerment Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club

(To be used to assist the translation into Chichewa)

Living in the Power
of the Holy Spirit

Purpose of the Lesson
• Learn the necessity of allowing the Holy Spirit to live in and through us
• Realize that the victorious Christian life comes through the filling of God’s Spirit
• Understand why obedience and yieldedness are necessary for the Holy Spirit’s filling

Because of the possible controversial nature of this lesson, it would
be wise to review the Atsogoleri amatsogolera part of this study. If answers are
given which might lead to controversy, avoid arguments by accepting responses with little comment and continuing on with the lesson. If someone wants to talk about “speaking in tongues,” you may say, “Because churches differ in their teaching on this subject, let me give you the chapter in the Bible which answers your questions. Please take time to read 1 Corinthians 14:1-40 at home.”


Dear Father in Heaven, Thank You for the provision You have made for us to live the Christian life. Teach us the importance of obeying You. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Guide’s Comments

You may have noticed that several of the passages in the Bible reading were also read in previous lessons. The Bible readings include so much applicable truth that we cannot comprehend it all by reading it only once.

Have several people share the verses from the Bible reading that they listed as the most helpful.

Weekly Bible Reading

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

Write the reference of the verse or verses which helped you the most in each of the following passages.

Galatians 5:16-26
Romans 6:1-11
Romans 6:12-19
Romans 6:20-23
Romans 8:1-8
Romans 8:9-17

The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the gifts He brings with Him, prepare us for living a Christlike life. As believers, we have the continual presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives to guide us, teach us, and give us the power to live above our circumstances. With all of this working for us, we can be experiencing one victory after another.

1. How has the indwelling Holy Spirit helped you this week? . . . . .
(Allow several people to share their answers.)

Author Charles Swindoll gave a very helpful illustration of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

He told of a young man, named Sinner, who received from his father a beautiful, red car named Salvation. It was new, clean, and bright. The young man was so delighted that he talked about it all the time and told everyone that it was a gift from his father. He never could have afforded a car like this. He didn’t have to pay for it. It was a free gift!

The car made him so happy that he changed his name from Sinner to Saved.

Later, he was seen pushing his car down the highway. A man named Helper walked up and introduced Himself and asked if He could help.

“No thanks. I’m doing fine,” Saved answered.

“Have you pushed your car very far?” Helper asked.

“About 200 miles. It’s been hard, but it is the least I can do for my father who gave it to me.”

Helper said, “Allow me to help you. There is something you do not understand.”

Helper opened the car door and the young man hesitated, but thought it was worth a try so he got in. For the first time since he received the car, he rested.

Helper walked around to the other side, and sat in the driver’s seat. He started the motor and soon they were clipping down the highway quietly and smoothly. It was even exciting!

The young man just sat there amazed. He was allowing the Helper to do what he could not do. He had thought that reaching the end of the road was his responsibility. He smiled with relief and suddenly realized that this was the first time he had smiled since he had received his gift.

That is a perfect picture of many Christians. We understand that there was no way we could have ever paid for our salvation. It was a gift! However, we do not know that the power to live the Christian life is a gift, too.

Swindoll concludes, “The one who gave you the car, gave you the driver. He can handle it. When you try to wrestle the wheel from His hand, you have terrible wrecks.”
The way to make progress in Christlike living is to yield to the Holy Spirit as He lives in and through you.

Sometimes it is difficult for us to accept the fact that we can do nothing to make our salvation more secure than the day we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior. We want to do something for God. Instead, God did it for us! Salvation is a free gift and so is our new life.

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross provided the gift of our salvation, but it is His resurrection that provides the power for us to live obedient Christian lives.
Turn to Romans 5:8-10. . . . .

Saved by Christ’s Death
Power to Live by His Resurrection

2. The death of Jesus saves you. What does His resurrection do for you?

Read Ephesians 1:18-20 . . . . .

Read 2 Corinthians 13:4 . . . . .
(It gives us power to live the way God wants us to live.)

Our day-to-day, and moment-by-moment progress is provided by Christ’s
resurrection from the dead. We accepted the gift of salvation by faith. We also live the Christian life by faith.

We do not try to live the Christian life in the power and energy of our own being. It is by God’s power and not by our own power that we obey God’s will. The strength of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to be used in serving God and others. It is not to be used for our own profit or advantage. We are filled with the Holy Spirit so we have the ability to live as God has planned for us.

Read Ephesians 2:10 . . . . .

By ourselves, we cannot do what God has planned for us—that would be like pushing the car! Do not misunderstand. We still must exert the energy to accomplish the task, but it is done under the Spirit’s direction and power.

Christians have received all of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9-10). Then why does the Bible tell us to be filled with the Spirit?

To be filled with the Spirit does not mean we need to acquire something we don’t already have. It means that we should keep ourselves constantly yielded to the Holy Spirit’s control.

We surrender to Him moment by moment. In order to do this, we surrender the desire to control our own lives. We have to give up and stop pushing our spiritual car. Instead, we must obey and enjoy the view of wherever the Holy Spirit chooses to lead us.

Read Ephesians 5:18. . . . . Why do you suppose being filled with God’s Spirit is compared with drunkenness? . . . . . (Because our actions are influenced by what or who we allow to control us.)

When people are drunk with alcohol, they are under the power of the alcohol they have consumed. In the same way, Christians who are filled with God’s Holy Spirit have the power to do things God’s way, not their own way.

3. Describe a person who is filled with God’s Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18-20. . . . .

(A Spirit-led person is surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s control, speaks of Christ to others, sings songs of praise to God, and gives thanks for everything.)

God commands us to be filled with His Spirit for two reasons: for maturity and for serving God in special ways.

A new Christian is given the Holy Spirit, but that does not mean he or she is spiritually mature. Maturity comes through being filled with the Holy Spirit and living a lifestyle of obedience over a period of time.

The Christians of Corinth were not mature, so the Bible explained how they were
limited because of their immaturity. Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. . . . .

We are filled with God’s Spirit to accomplish the special work He gives us. Read Acts 9:17 and 20. . . . . Paul was filled with the Spirit so that he could accomplish the work God had planned for him to do.

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes in. There are no conditions to receiving the Spirit of God. But there are conditions to being filled with the Holy Spirit—we must obey God.

4. What conditions are included in obeying the Holy Spirit?

Romans 6:19 . . . . . (surrender your life to God for holy purposes)
Romans 12:1. . . . . (dedicated to serving God)
1 Peter 4:19 . . . . . (Obey, even when it means suffering or loss. Trust in what God says; depend on Him alone.)

There must be a definite time in our Christian lives when we consciously
surrender ourselves to God’s control. This surrender needs to be kept up to date because God keeps enriching our lives with additional blessings and
abilities. These need to be yielded to Him also. We need to ask God to make the necessary changes in our lives. Read Romans 12:2. . . . .

God transforms us on the inside! He renews our mind so that we think differently than we did before. When we dedicate ourselves to God, we give ourselves to Him for His use only!

Because the Holy Spirit always obeys God the Father, and our self-centered human spirit always wants our own way, there is inner conflict. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to enable us to surrender to God’s will, we choose God’s way above our own.

When we depend on the Lord alone we are doing what God wants us to do, rather than what we want to do. The Bible tells us this in Romans 8:1-5 . . . . .

As we develop the practice of surrendering our desires to God, we are being obedient, which is necessary to be filled by His Spirit.

5. What special situation in your life requires that you be filled with God’s Spirit to accomplish the needed result? . . . . .
(Have each person share their answer.)

6. Evaluate the evidence of God’s Spirit in your own life in the following attitudes and activities.

Evidence of being filled
with God’s Spirit

What I plan to do where
changes are needed

Knowing I am saved

Having a regular prayer time

Being consistent in Bible study

Having victory over sinful habits

Loving other believers

Having concern for unbelievers

We cannot live in complete obedience to God by ourselves. We need power beyond us. That is why we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. When follow His control in all of our decisions, it is possible to live a life pleasing to God.

As a result of this lesson, ask yourself this question. Have I yielded the control of my will to God?

The cost is surrender.
The condition is obedience.

When the Holy Spirit entered my life,
I received all of Him.
To be filled with His Spirit,
He needs all of me.

7. Write a prayer expressing your desire to live a life filled with God’s Holy Spirit. . . . .

Since the prayer in Question 7 is personal, it is not necessary for them to share, unless they desire to do so

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, We are so thankful for the provision You have made for us to stay in a right relationship with You. Thank You for giving us the power to live a life that is pleasing to You. Help us realize what we are withholding from Your control. We want to be totally Yours. In Jesus’ name, amen.




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