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Kodi Mulungu ndi wotani? - Phunziro #4
Women's Empowerment Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club

Kodi Mulungu amandidziwa?

Purpose of the Lesson
Recognize the fact that God knows us as individuals
• Understand that God’s love never changes
• Desire to have meaningful fellowship with God

Atate wamuyaya, Zikomo pondiuza za Inu kudzera m’Baibulo. Ndithandizeni kuti ndikukhulupilireni kuti mukumane ndi zosowa za moyo wanga wa tsiku ndi tsiku. Thandizeni kuti ndimvetse kuti muli ndi cholinga ndi moyo wanga. Ndapemphera mdzina la Yesu Khristu. Amen.

Guide’s Comments
We are studying the Bible because we want to know God. We want to find out if God really knows us. Notice the title of our lesson—Does God Know Me? How would you explain the difference between us knowing God and God knowing us? . . . . .

For us to really know God, He must reveal Himself to us. Our experience of knowing God comes through our willingness to believe and obey what He reveals to us in His Word. We have had several lessons discussing how God has revealed Himself to us, so we know He wants us to know Him.

The secret of knowing God in a life-changing way is to ask ourselves if we really believe Him. When He says He wants us to know Him in a personal way, do we believe He means it? What a profound difference it makes in our lives when we ask God to reveal who He really is and when we begin to get a glimpse of His unmeasurable power and glory!

God knows more about us than we know about ourselves or anyone else knows about us. God doesn’t have to learn about us. He knew us before time began! He knew us before we were born. He already had a perfect plan for our lives. God has always known us. When you studied your lesson, you read Psalm 139. It tells us in many ways that God knew us before we were born. He knows everything about us.

Turn to Lesson 4 in your Study Book. Our Bible readings for the week prove that God knows us.

Kuwerenga Baibulo sabata ndi sabata

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

Tsiku ndi tsiku msabatayi, werengani Baibulo malo amene mwapatsidwa kuti muwerenge ndipo muyankhe funso lotsatirali.

Yohane 6:37
Ndi chiyani chodziwikiratu, chimene mungachipeze mukabwera kwa Yesu?
. . . . (He will never turn you away.)

Yobu 34:21
Ndi zingati zimene timapanga zomwe Mulungu amaziwona?
. . . . (Everything we do)

Masalimo 139:1-4
Kodi ndime zimenezi zimanena bwanji zam’mene Mulungu amadziwira anthu?
. . . . (He knows everything about them. Nothing is hidden from Him.)

Miyambo 15:3, 11
Mumadziwa bwanji kuti Mulungu amadziwa malingaliro anu?
(The Bible says God sees everything, even the hearts of all people.)

2 Mbiri 16:9
Kodi Mulungu akufuna chiyani?
. . . . (People whose hearts are fully commit¬ted to Him)

Hebrews 13:5
Kodi Yesu adzakusiyani liti?
. . . . (He will never leave or abandon you.)

Yohane 14:21
Kodi kumukonda ndi kumvera Mulungu zimakhudzana bwanji? Nanga Mulungu amaziwona bwanji?
. . . . (We will obey God when we love Him.) How does God respond? . . . . .(He loves us and makes Himself known to us.)

* Sankhani vesi imodzi mwamavesi amene mwawerenga kuchokera mu Baibulo msabatayi, imene yakugwirani mtima panthawi ino. Ganizirani tanthauzo la vesi imeneyi kwa inu ndipo kuti mungayigwiritse ntchito bwanji pa moyo wanu?

Which verse was most meaningful to you?.... Did it affect your week? Tell us what happened...

1. Kodi fanizo lomwe likupezeka pa Mateyu 18 vesi 12 mpaka 14 likunena chiyani za mmene Mulungu amawonera Munthu aliyense.
. . . . (God seeks for one that is lost.)

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

2. Ephesians 2:10
Kodi ndime imeneyi ikutiphunzitsa chiyani za zomwe Mulungu wachitira munthu aliyense? . . . .... (Planned a life of good deeds He wants us to do)

God loves each one of us as individuals and has a special purpose and plan foreach person.

Read, Psalm 100:3 . . . . . God created us. God wants to bless us with spiritual blessings. He wants to have fellowship with us. The Bible confirms the fact that God loves us, He knows all about us, and He wants us to know His plan for our lives.

3. Pamene ndikuzama pakumdziwa Mulungu, ndikuphunzira zinthu zinthu zotsatirazi:
. . . (Possible answers include: God exists. He is eternal. He is all power¬ful. God knows all things, is present everywhere, is sovereign, wise, holy, majestic, King.)

4. Masalimo 139:1-18 ndi chitsimikizo kuti Mulungu amamudziwitsitsa munthu. Pamene mukuwerenga Masalimowa, lembani ndime zimene zikukugwirani komanso kuthunzitsa mtima wanu.

5. Werengani pemphero lomwe liri pa Masalimo 139:23-24 ndipo lembani pemphero lanu pogwiritsa nzeru za mndime zimene mwawerengazi.

Encourage the group by having each person read his or her prayer, if time allows.


6a. Mulungu amakudziwani ndipo amadziwa zonse zanu komanso amadziwa zosowa zanu. Kodi pali kanthu kokudandaulitsani? Mateyu 6:25-34 . . . . . (nothing)

b. Kodi Mulungu akufuna kuti inu mutani ndi zinthu zimene zimakudandaulitsani? 1 Petro 5:6-7 . . . . (Give them to Him.)

c. Kodi ndi nthawi yanji imene Mulungu amadziwa kuti mukusowa ndipo mukufuna kanthu pa moyo wanu wa tsiku ndi tsiku. Mateyu 6:8 . . . . (Before you ask!)

Why do we pray if God already knows what we are going to ask? Because God wants us to talk to Him.

Prayer is an activity that shows God we are depending on Him to supply our needs. His answer renews our confidence that God hears and answers our prayers.

Sometimes the answer is “yes”—and sometimes we may learn later that God started to answer before we prayed! Other times the answer is “wait.” We, or the situation, may not be ready for the abundant answer God wants to give us. Sometimes God’s answer is “no,” because a positive answer would hinder the work He is doing in our lives.

Not only do believers have the tremendous resource of prayer, but they have the security of knowing that nothing can separate them from God’s steadfast love. Romans 8:28-39 tells us about the stability we have in Christ. . . . . Perhaps you would like to make a note of the reference so you can read it again.

God can do nothing that is contrary to His own perfect nature. We do not need to fear what God has planned for our lives. Since He is holy, knows all things, is perfectly just, and loves with perfect, unchanging love, we know that God always wants the best for His children.

His discipline, correction, judgment, and wrath are all balanced by His love, mercy, and grace. God is perfect and all that He does is right and flawless. We can be assured that God will not ask us to experience something unless it is for our own good. We can trust Him to do what is best for us.

7. Kuti mumudziwe Mulungu bwino, pezani lonjezano lake mundime zamchipangano chakale zotsatirazi zomwe ziri kumapeto kwa phunziro liri lonse.
Masalimo 37:4-5. . . .
(When you commit, trust, and delight yourself in Him, He will give you your heart’s desires.)

Miyambo 3:5-6. . . .
(Submit to Him in all your ways and He will guide you.)

Yeremiya 29:13. . . . .
(When we wholeheartedly search for God, we will find Him.)

8. Lingalirani za mtsogolo za moyo wanu. Kodi malonjezanowa angakhudze bwanji za kukonzekera tsogolo lanu?

If no one answers, share how these promises can be implemented in your life.

9. Kodi Mulungu ali ndi cholinga chanji ndi tsogolo lanu?
Werengani Yeremiya 29:11…..(Plans for our good and a future full of hope.)

God always expresses Himself in perfect love. Do not doubt His love. We can know that His plan is always best!

10. Pakuti Mulungu amakudziwani monga munthu. Iye wasonyeza chikondi chake pa inu ndipo wakupangirani zinthu za kuti inuyo panokha simunakatha kupanga.

Molingana ndi Aroma 5:6-9, kodi Mulungu anakupangirani chiyani? . . . . (He took care of our sin problem and has saved us from God’s anger against sin and those who disobey Him.)

11. Pamene tikapereka miyoyo yathu kwa Mulungu Wamphamvuyonse, ndi chifukwa chiyani tiyenera kukhulupilira kotheratu kuti tiri otetezeka?
Werengani Masalimo 147:5. . . . (God knows what is best for us and He has the power to keep us safe. He sees danger that we cannot see.)

Since these prayers might be personal, it is not necessary for them to share.

12. Lembani pemphero kwa Mulungu, kufotokoza mwa chiyamiko kuti Iye ndi Mulungu odziwa zonse. Pempheroli simufunsidwa kugawana ndi anzanu pophunzitsana Baibulo. Lembani pemphero lanulo panopo.

Next week’s lesson is of extreme importance. We will learn who can know God in this vital way we have been talking about.

We will close in prayer, thanking God for His unchanging love.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, how we thank You that You know all about us and You still love us. Thank You for the perfect plan You have for our lives. Help us make the things we have learned a part of our daily living. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.





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